Additional sources and materials
1. Alyabyshev M. S. A Special Opinion on the Special Opinion. Rossiyskiy sud’ya, 2015, no. 10, pp. 32—35. (In Russ. )
2. Bykov V. M., Manova N. S. On the Judge’s Right to a Special Opinion: Continuation of the Topic. Rossiyskiy sud’ya, 2016, no. 3, pp. 45—48. (In Russ. )
3. Sharipova A. R. Conceptual Foundations of Intersectoral Convergence in Criminal Proceedings. Dr. diss. Ufa, 2022. 503 p. (In Russ. )
4. Bykov V. M., Manova N. S. Dissenting Opinion of the Judge: the Law is New and the Problems are Old. Rossiyskaya yustitsiya, 2014, no. 1, pp. 48—50. (In Russ. )
5. Vydrya M. M. Participants in Court Proceedings and Guarantees of Their Rights. Krasnodar, 1979. 101 p. (In Russ. )
6. Davydov V. A. The Procedure for the Meeting of Judges When Considering a Criminal Case in the Presidium of the Court Needs a More Detailed Settlement. Rossiyskaya yustitsiya, 2011, no. 6, pp. 35—37. (In Russ. )
7. Dikarev I. S. Dissenting Opinion of Judge: the Question of the Legal Consequences. Rossiyskaya yustitsiya, 2014, no. 10, pp. 56—59. (In Russ. )
8. Dikarev I. S. The Confidentiality of Judicial Deliberations as a Guarantee of Principle of Freedom of the Evidence Evaluation. Rossiyskiy sud’ya, 2008, no. 7, pp. 11—12. (In Russ. )
9. Zus L. Dissenting Opinion of Judge. Sovetskaya yustitsiya, 1989, no. 11, p. 29. (In Russ. )
10. Ishchenko U. S. Independence of Judges as a Principle of Criminal Proceedings. Cand. diss. Nizhny Novgorod, 2021. 320 p. (In Russ. )
11. Orlov A. K. (ed. ). Commentary on the Criminal Procedure Code of the RSFSR. Moscow, 1976. 624 p. (In Russ. )
12. Koshcheeva E. S., Kapustina A. V. Dissenting Opinion of the Judge: Disputable Issues Theory and Legal Practice. Trudy Orenburgskogo instituta (filiala) MGYuA, 2021, no. 4(50), pp. 76—79. (In Russ. )
13. Krapivkina O. A. Dissenting Opinion of the Judge vs Collegial Decision of the Court or Individualism vs Institutionalism. Vestnik Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2012, no. 2, pp. 231—235. (In Russ. )
14. Lykov D. A., Dikarev I. S. Dissenting Opinion of a Judge as a Manifestation of the Disintegration of the Judiciary Board. Pravovoe gosudarstvo: teoriya i praktika, 2022, no. 2, pp. 94—101. (In Russ. )
15. Mashinnikova N. O. Dissenting Opinion of the Judge as an Exceptional Form of Expression of Judicial Discretion in the Administration of Justice in Criminal Proceedings. In: Unity and Differentiation of Pre-trial and Judicial Proceedings in Criminal Proceedings: New Conceptual Approaches in the Light of the Legacy of the Great Judicial Reform [Text]: collection of scientific articles of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the Judicial statutes of 1864, timed to the 55th anniversary of Southwestern State University (November 14—15, 2019). Kursk, 2019. Pp. 230—233. (In Russ. )
16. Merzlyakova M. V., Proshlyakov A. D. Revision of Verdicts, Determinations and Orders that Have Entered Into Legal Force by Supervision. Moscow, 2011. 176 p. (In Russ. )
17. Motovilovker Ya. O. Some Issues of the Theory of the Soviet Criminal Process in the View of the New Criminal Procedure Legislation. Part two. Ed. by P. I. Borod’ko. Kemerovo, 1964. 152 p. (In Russ. )
18. Muradyan E. M. Judicial Law (in the Context of the Three Codes of Procedure). Moscow, 2003. 128 p. (In Russ. )
19. Sidorenko E. V. Sukhankina L. I. Some Problems of Legal Regulation of the Institution of a Dissenting Opinion of a Judge in the Review of Court Decisions. In: Kalinovskiy K. B. Verification of the Legality and Validity of Court Decisions in Criminal Proceedings: collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference, St. Petersburg, North-West Branch of the Russian State University of Justice (October 16—17, 2020). St. Petersburg, 2021. Pp. 321—329. (In Russ. )
20. Smolkova I. “Witness Immunity” of Judge: On the Issue of the Secrecy of the Deliberation Room. Rossiyskaya yustitsiya, 1998, no. 5, pp. 4—5. (In Russ. )
21. Smol’kova I. V. The Confidentiality of Judicial Deliberations and Dissenting Opinion of Judge. Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2006, no. 3, pp. 172—175. (In Russ. )
22. Strogovich M. S. Course of Soviet Criminal Procedure. Vol. II. Moscow, 1970. 516 p. (In Russ. )
23. Sukhanova N. N. Dissenting Opinion of a Judge When Sentencing. Rossiyskiy sud’ya, 2007, no. 10, pp. 46—48. (In Russ. )
24. Khaldeev L. S. Judge in a Criminal Proceedings. Moscow, 2000. 501 p. (In Russ. )
25. Sukhanova N. N. Judgment of Acquittal in Russian Criminal Proceedings. Cand. diss. thesis. Irkutsk, 2008. 24 p. (In Russ. )
26. Tarasov A. A. Sole and Collegial in Criminal Proceedings: Legal and Socio-Psychological Problems. Samara, 2001. 312 p. (In Russ. )
27. Tarasov A. A., Gizatullin I. A. Independence of Judges and Procedural Problems of its Implementation in Criminal Proceedings. Moscow, 2022. 224 p. (In Russ. )
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