Constitutional Hermeneutics As the Art of Searching for Socially Constructive Regulative Idea
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Constitutional Hermeneutics As the Art of Searching for Socially Constructive Regulative Idea
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Stanislav Danilyuk 
Occupation: Cand. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof., Judge, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus
Affiliation: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus

The article discusses the current problems of constitutional hermeneutics. The legal system, the core of which is the Constitution, is an integral part of the value-normative system of society as a whole, containing the whole set of not only legal, but also other socio-cultural regulators. The Constitution itself is an extremely complex, diverse and multifunctional document, acting simultaneously as a state-constituent, political-ideological, axiological and law-forming basic act. The text of the Basic Law, unlike the texts of other normative legal acts, has a high degree of information saturation, normative generality, meaningful and semantic abstraction and ambiguity of some of its provisions, including philosophical and moral categories, spiritual and ideological attitudes, value-legal ideals and social guidelines. In order to adequately perceive the semantic content of the provisions of the Basic Law and eliminate the shortcomings of legal regulation, the Constitutional Court uses a wide methodological toolkit of constitutional hermeneutics, covering an organically interconnected set of logical-epistemological, technical-legal and ethical-axiological approaches. The author substantiates the conclusion about constitutional hermeneutics as the art of searching for a constitutionally sound and constructive regulatory idea that meets the highest criteria of a democratic social rule of law state.

Constitution, constitutional values, constitutional hermeneutics, problem of law understanding, regulative idea
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Additional sources and materials

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