Loan Issue by Business Participants in Various Forms of Doing Business: Problems of Legal Qualification
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Loan Issue by Business Participants in Various Forms of Doing Business: Problems of Legal Qualification
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Nataliya Kozlova 
Occupation: Dr. Sci. (Law), Professor at the Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Sophia Filippova
Occupation: Dr. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor at the Department of Commercial Law and Foundations of Law, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University. ResearcherID: F-4869-2016
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Russian legislation, law enforcement practice and legal science are actively developing the legal regulation of loan relations not only in the field of contractual, but also corporate and investment relations. Objectively, the loan has outgrown the monetary sphere and the legal relationship of obligations for the temporary, refundable and reimbursable use of other people's funds. In the modern economy, a loan is in demand as a universal means and form of lending and asset turnover with the formation of individual registration of the goals, rights and obligations of participants. The general orientation and purpose of improving Russian legislation should be considered to provide new opportunities for entrepreneurship when using borrowed instruments, provided that equality and protection of its participants are guaranteed. The article analyzes the loan issue by entities for carrying out entrepreneurial activities in various organizational and legal forms. The authors investigate the admissibility of loans by participants of a commercial corporation, propose criteria for the admissibility of loans from participants and describe situations when such loans are subject to judicial reclassification. The authors concluded that in the absence of corporate obstacles (the charter does not contain a ban on making contributions to the company's property; the need for property is permanent; all participants of the company are ready to finance its activities, etc.), then the establishment of repayment of deposits contradicts the essence of corporate relations, violates the interests of the company and its creditors. The authors noted the risks of mixing corporate and contractual relations, and assessed the convertible loan agreement.

loan agreement, convertible loan, public joint stock company, non-public joint stock company, simple partnership, limited liability company, participants of a business company, legal entity
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Additional sources and materials

1. Braginskiy M. I., Vitryanskiy V. V. Contract law. Book 5. Vol. 1. Moscow, 2006. (In Russ.) 
2. Sukhanov E. A. Comparative corporate law. Moscow, 2014. (In Russ.) 
3. Sukhanov E. A. Pravovoe polozhenie khozyaystvennykh obshchestv i tovarishchestv v stranakh SNG (sravnitel'nyy analiz). Sukhanov E. A. Grazhdanskoe pravo Rossii — chastnoe pravo. Moscow, 2008. 
4. Sukhanov E. A. Problemy razvitiya zakonodatel'stva o kommercheskikh organizatsiyakh. Sukhanov E. A. Grazhdanskoe pravo Rossii — chastnoe pravo. Moscow, 2008. 
5. Shitkina I. S. Contributions to assets of a limited liability company: current comment on article 27 of the Federal law no. 14-FZ dated February 8, 1998. Vestnik arbitrazhnoy praktiki, 2020, no. 4, pp. 3—14. (In Russ.) 
6. Sukhanov E. A. Business Corporations in the New Version of the Russian Civil Code. Journal of Russian Law, 2015, no. 1, pp. 5—13. DOI: 10.12737/7244. (In Russ.) 
7. Tomtosov A. A. Tsena grazhdansko-pravovogo dogovora. Moscow, 2023.


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