Public Health: From the Principle of Healthcare Management to the Constitutional and Legal Value
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Public Health: From the Principle of Healthcare Management to the Constitutional and Legal Value
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Fatima V. Tsomartova 
Occupation: Leading Researcher, Department of Social Legislation
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia
Natalia Putilo
Occupation: Head of the Department of Social Legislation
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The health of the population is a resource potential for the development of any state, therefore, in the conditions of the current epidemiological situation associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased risk of other mass diseases, everything that can characterize the process of changing the state of public health and the reaction of national health systems to it is of interest. The importance of the mission assigned to the health care system, the attention of society not only to changes leading to a real and sustainable improvement in the health of the population, but also to errors in the choice of appropriate legal means, demonstrate the need for scientific understanding of public health as an interdisciplinary phenomenon and updating the conceptual foundations of public policy in the field of public health protection.

The purpose of the article is the scientific development of issues of the legal nature, functions, orientation and content of the category “public health”. To achieve it, the tasks of identifying the objective prerequisites for the formation and development of the institution of public health in the Russian Federation, disclosing international legal approaches to public health, characterizing the current state of legal regulation of public health in the Russian Federation in the constitutional and sectoral dimension were solved.

The methodological basis of the study includes general scientific (dialectical, logical, systemic, historical, sociological, statistical) and private scientific methods of legal science (formal legal, historical legal and comparative legal) with its specific conceptual and categorical apparatus. The results of the study made it possible to predict further directions in the development of the legal regulation of public health in the Russian Federation.

social state, social rights, right to health protection and medical care, public health, healthy lifestyle, prevention in the field of health protection, sanitary and epidemiological well-being
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Additional sources and materials

1.	Aksenova E. I., Grechushkina N. A., Kameneva T. N., Kamynina N. N. Public Health: the Evolution of the Concept in the Strategic Documents of Health Protection and Health Development in the Countries of the World. Moscow, 2021. 42 p. (In Russ.)
2.	Bettcher D., Sapirie S., Goon E. Essential public health functions: results of the international Delphi study. World Health Statistics Quarterly, 1998, vol. 51, pp. 44—54.
3.	Diderichsen F., Evans T., Whitehead M. The Social Basis of Disparities in Health. Ed. by M. Whitehead, T. Evans, F. Diderichsen, A. Bhuiya, M. Wirth. Challenging Inequities in Health: From Ethics to Action. New York, 2001. 343 p.
4.	Durdenevskiy V. N. Lectures on the Law of Social Culture. Moscow; Leningrad, 1929. 327 p. (In Russ.)
5.	Frolova N. A. Legal Policy in the Sphere of Social Security in Russia: Historical and Contemporary Essays: Problems, Trends, Prospects. Moscow, 2020. 220 p. (In Russ.)
6.	Khabrieva T. Y., Andrichenko L. V., Nanba S. B., Pomazansky A. E. Commentary on the Constitution of the Russian Federation (article by article): with account of the amendments approved by the all-Russian vote on July 1, 2020. Ed. by T. Y. Khabrieva. Moscow, 2021. 368 p. (In Russ.)
7.	Khabrieva T. Y., Klishas A. A. Thematic commentary to the Law of the Russian Federation on the Amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of March 14, 2020 No. 1-FKZ “On improving the regulation of certain issues of the organization and functioning of public authorities”. Moscow, 2020. 240 p. (In Russ.)
8.	Law and Biomedicine. Ed. by F. V. Tsomartova. Moscow, 2021. 136 p. (In Russ.)
9.	Marks L., Hunter D. J., Alderslade R. Strengthening public health capacity and services in Europe: A concept paper. Copenhagen, 2011. 60 p.
10.	Omran A. Epidemiological Aspect of the Theory of Natural Population Movement. Population Problems. On the Demographic Problems of Western Countries. Ed. by D. I. Valentey, A. P. Sudoplatov. Moscow, 1977. Pp. 57—91. (In Russ.)
11.	Petyukova O. N. Proposals for Improving the Legislation on the Protection of the Health of Citizens. Improving the Legislation on Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation. Ed. by O. N. Petyukova. Moscow, 2017. 410 p. (In Russ.)
12.	Public Health in Estonia 2008: An analysis of public health operations, services and activities. Ed. by A. Koppel, A. Leventhal, M. Sedgley. Copenhagen, 2009.
13.	Putilo N. V. Social Rights in a Post-Industrial Society. Moscow, 2021. 120 p. (In Russ.)
14.	Scientific Concept of Development of the Russian Legislation. 7th ed. Ed. by T. Y. Khabrieva, Yu. A. Tikhomirov. Moscow, 2015. 544 p. (In Russ.)
15.	Vishnevskiy A. V. Mortality in Russia: the Second Epidemiologic Revolution that Never Was. Demograficheskoe obozrenie, 2014, no. 4, pp. 5—40. (In Russ.)
16.	Volkova N. S. Palliative Care: Matters of Law and Practice. Moscow, 2020. 120 p. (In Russ.)


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