Enforcement of Annulled Awards of International Commercial Arbitration: Assessment from the Point of View of General Principles of Law
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Enforcement of Annulled Awards of International Commercial Arbitration: Assessment from the Point of View of General Principles of Law
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Ekaterina Kurochkina 
Occupation: Lecturer at the Department of International Law
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: St. Petersburg, Russia

An international commercial arbitration decision annulled by a state court at the place of its issuance in one state is often enforced in another state. An arbitrary interpretation of article 5 of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958 allows for the enforcement of cancelled decisions. When interpreting this rule, State courts do not take into account the purpose of this Convention.

The purpose of this study is to interpret the provisions of the 1958 New York Convention regarding the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards annulled at the place of their rendering.

By means of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization as well as by means of formallogical and formal-legal methods, the evaluation of the enforcement of annulled arbitral awards from the point of view of general principles of law was conducted.

The author determined that the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards annulled by the state court at the place of their issuance violates the principles of legal certainty, lis pendens, res judicata, and also leads to negative consequences for the participants in the arbitration proceedings. Based on the provisions of the New York Convention, it has been revealed that the arbitration award and the acts adopted in relation to the annulled arbitration award form an interconnected structure. The elements of this structure are defined. It is proved that the execution of cancelled arbitral awards contradicts the logic laid down by the New York Convention. It is proposed to eliminate the ambiguous interpretation of the provisions of the Convention on the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Annulled at the place of their issuance by establishing at the international legal level a clear provision on the impossibility of enforcement of annulled arbitral awards.

enforcement of arbitral award, annulment of arbitral award, New York Convention 1958, interpretation of international treaty, res judicata, principle of legal certainty
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Additional sources and materials

1. Born G. B. International Commercial Arbitration. 2nd ed. Kluwer Law International, 2014. 4408 p. 
2. Reisman W. M. Systems of Control in International Adjudication and Arbitration: Breakdown and Repair. Duke University Press, 1992. 174 p. 
3. Van den Berg A. J. Should the Setting Aside of the Arbitral Award be Abolished? ICSID Review —Foreign Investment Law Journal, 2014, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 1—26. 
4. Van den Berg A. J. The 1958 New York Convention revisited. Arbitral Tribunal or state courts: who must defer to whom? Ed. by P. A. Karrer. Basel, 2001. Pp. 125—146. 
5. Van den Berg A. J. Annulment of Awards in International Arbitration. International Arbitration in the 21st Century: Towards “Judicialization” and Uniformity? Twelfth Sokol Colloquium. Ed. by R. Lillich, C. Brower. New York, 1994. Pp. 133—162. 
6. Bakhin S. V. Delocalization of international commercial arbitration: myths and reality. Treteyskiy sud, 2020, no. 1/2 (121/122), pp. 269—280. (In Russ. ) 
7. Golskiy D. G. Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards set aside by the court of the place where they were made. Moscow, 2019. 160 p. (In Russ. ) 
8. Karabel'nikov B. R. Enforcement and challenge of international commercial arbitration awards. Commentary to the 1958 New York Convention and Chapters 30 and 31 of the 2002 Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2008. 606 p. (In Russ. ) 
9. Lazarev V. V. Selected Works. Vol. II. Moscow, 2010. 504 p. (In Russ. ) 
10. Matveeva A. I. Enforcement of annulled foreign arbitral awards: welcome development or pathway to uncertainty? Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, 2016, no. 3(19), pp. 18—36. (In Russ. ) 
11. Skvortsov O. Yu., Savranskiy M. Yu., Sevast'yanov G. V. (eds). International Commercial Arbitration: textbook. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg; Moscow, 2018. 965 p. (In Russ. )


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