Implementation of Sustainable Economic Growth (Constitutional and Legal Aspects)
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Implementation of Sustainable Economic Growth (Constitutional and Legal Aspects)
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Vladimir D. Mazaev 
Occupation: Professor at the School of Public Law, Faculty of Law
Affiliation: National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article deals with the implementation of the constitutional norm on creation of conditions for sustainable economic growth, draws attention to the nature of the implementation of general constitutional norms with economic content. It is shown that the constitutional framework of sustainable economic growth practically does not determine the content of this concept, which comes from its economic nature, it is interconnected with various aspects of philosophical, sociological, environmental, moral attitudes, as well as with related economic institutions. The application of this legal category is complicated by the ambiguity of understanding sustainable economic growth, its conditions and factors both in law and in economics.

It is difficult for the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation to “capitalize” the norm on sustainable economic growth without establishing an appropriate economic interpretation of the concept. The implementation of the constitutional norm on creating conditions for sustainable economic growth requires additional legal regulation and specific legal content in laws and by-laws. Proposals are formulated to improve the legal regulation of sustainable economic growth, including the consolidation in legislation the concepts of “sustainable economic growth”, “sustainable development”, as well as a list of standards, conditions for economic growth.

The work used general scientific methods (dialectics, system analysis, analogies) and methods of legal research (formal legal, interpretation, historical, etc.)

implementation of the constitution, sustainable economic growth, inclusive economic growth, economic development, sustainable development, conditions for economic development, legal standards for economic growth
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Additional sources and materials

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