Assumption of the Default Debt by the Obligated Person
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Assumption of the Default Debt by the Obligated Person
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Vladislav Gruzdev 
Occupation: Professor at the Civil and Entrepreneurial Law
Affiliation: Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
Address: Novosibirsk, Russia

The institution of debt assumption is traditionally used in domestic civil law to regulate property turnover, which attracts the close attention of representatives of civil science. At the same time, the debt assumption is qualified in different ways: as a unilateral transaction, a legal act, transactionlike actions.

Using formal-logical and historical research methods, the author proves that the assumption of the default debt is a unilateral transaction, for which it is necessary and sufficient to express the will of the obligated party. This transaction is made in favor of the opposite side of the legal relationship and entails legal consequences in the form of its change, namely, it modifies the violated subjective right in the direction of qualitative improvement: it prolongs the existence of powers capable of enforcement (in case of debt assumption during the limitation period) or returns such powers lost due to the expiration of the limitation period (in the case of debt assumption after the expiration of the statute of limitations). By assumption of the debt addressed to the authorized person, the person confirms the existence of his obligation to a certain extent, in connection with which it is logical to calculate the term for the enforcement of the violated right anew. The authorized person's awareness of the transaction in question is necessary, but not to establish the legal effect of the transaction, but in order to take advantage of its benefits.

The types of assumption of the default debt and the form of this transaction, acceptable evidence of its commission are considered. It is concluded that in the absence of admissible evidence, the debt assumption transaction is unfulfilled. Based on the results of the study, proposals for amendments and additions to Articles 203, 205, 206 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation were formulated.

debt assumption, limitation period, suspension of the limitation period, restoration of the limitation period, undisclosed debt, suppressed debt
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Additional sources and materials

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16. Sergeev A. P., Tereshchenko T. A. New judicial interpretation of the statute of limitations: commentary to the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 29. 09. 2015 No. 43. Zakon, 2015, no. 11, pp. 87—95. (In Russ. ) 
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