Mediation as an Institution of Modern Russian Society
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Mediation as an Institution of Modern Russian Society
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Natalia Minkina 
Occupation:  Associate Professor at the Department of Private Law
Affiliation: Altai Branch, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Address: Barnaul, Russia

Mediation is a relatively young social and legal institution, the initial formation of which on the basis of the norms of a special federal law predetermined the vector of development in the presence of such problems and difficulties in implementation as the low demand for a new conciliation procedure, its uneven distribution across the regions of the country, ignorance about it and (or) distrust of it from the population, legislative shortcomings in its legal regulation.

The purpose of the study is to conduct a theoretical and legal analysis of the institute of mediation in Russian society on the main legal and social issues affecting its modern development.

The study of problems is mainly based on methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction, systemic and dialectical methods of cognition. The choice of scientific research methods is due to the study of mediation in the context of socio-legal reality.

Conclusions. The institute of mediation is interdisciplinary, complex and multidimensional in its content; it has its own history of emergence and development trends. Mediation plays a significant role in the development of civil society and the rule of law, has valuable social potential, which is still being used insufficiently. Currently, work is underway to improve the legislation on the mediation procedure, however, the proposed novelties (in particular, the draft law “On dispute settlement with the participation of a mediator (mediation) in the Russian Federation”, prepared by the Ministry of Justice of Russia in 2019) cause reasonable criticism and need to be finalized. There is a need to keep statistical records on mediation practices, expand the scope of mediation, and introduce its study through special disciplines in the educational process, along with continuing work on the formation of appropriate legal culture and legal awareness of Russians.

mediation, social institution, legal institution, legislation, society, state, problems of application, education
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Additional sources and materials

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15. Ryzhova N. I., Gromova O. N. Updating mediation activities of social and educational sphere specialists in the context of digitalization. Chelovek i obrazovanie, 2021, no. 2(67), pp. 24— 31. (In Russ. ) 
16. Ryumshin S. A. Mediation in the regulation of interaction between authorities and civil society in Russia. Cand. diss. thesis. Moscow, 2018. 22 p. (In Russ. ) 
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