On the Question of Correlation of Criminal Procedure and Penal Enforcement Legislation
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On the Question of Correlation of Criminal Procedure and Penal Enforcement Legislation
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Viacheslav Nikolyuk 
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: National Research Institute, Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article shows the intersectoral links of criminal procedure and penal enforcement legislation, combined at the theoretical level into a single block “legislation on combating crime”. The author examines the correlation of criminal procedure and penal enforcement legislation, continuing the research he started at the end of the last century on this issue.

The issues of interaction between the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation are insufficiently studied in legal science, despite the existence of fragmentary links between these codified laws. The factor uniting criminal procedure and penal enforcement legislation is a special criminal enforcement proceedings designed to resolve issues arising during the execution of punishments and other measures of criminal legal impact, and not the main criminal procedure proceedings (criminal proceedings).

The purpose and objectives of the study. Identification of the legal nature of the activities regulated by Chapter 47 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation “Execution of sentence”, determination of the possibility and prospects of moving from the Criminal Procedure Code to the Criminal Executive Code the norms of this chapter as the legal basis of criminal executive proceedings carried out outside the criminal case.

The methodological basis of the research is the provisions of the general theory of humanities, general theory of law and procedural legal branches. General scientific and private scientific research methods (logical, historical, analysis, synthesis, system-structural, formal-legal, comparative-legal, interpretation or legal interpretation of legal norms) were used in the preparation of the article.

The results obtained and the main conclusions. The problem of the correlation of criminal procedure and penal enforcement law at the moment has actually transformed into the problem of choosing a branch of law, a specific codified law that should regulate the activities of the court to consider and resolve issues related to the execution of punishment. Having a criminal-executive nature and being additional to the main criminal proceedings, the criminal-executive proceedings did not receive an appropriate detailed legal regulation within the Criminal Procedure Code, which once again emphasized its specificity and autonomy in the criminal process. In the new legal realities, it makes practical sense to return to the discussion of the problem of determining its place in the penal enforcement legislation.

branch of law, criminal law, criminal procedure law, penal enforcement law, legislation on combating crime, execution of sentence, legal nature, interrelation, coordination
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Additional sources and materials

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