Codification Processes in Russian Legislation: Issues of Methodology and Practice
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Codification Processes in Russian Legislation: Issues of Methodology and Practice
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Alexandra Abramova 
Occupation: Leading Researcher, Department of Theory of Law and Interdisciplinary Studies of Legislation
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The current difficulties of law-making, entailing systemic errors and failures in the mechanism of legal regulation, violation of its sequence and the necessary modification of the legal system in this regard actualize the problem of codification of Russian legislation.

The goals and objectives of the study consist in a systematic analysis of codification processes; the development of measures aimed at activating these processes and designed to help fill gaps in their methodological support.

Research methods: formal-legal, system-structural, methods of legal modeling, intersectoral analysis.

Codification is considered as a promising direction for improving domestic legislation, its development and streamlining. The author analyzes the current problems in the Russian methodology and codification practice, shows ways to overcome the negative trends that have developed in this field of activity. The prospects of complex intersectoral codification are analyzed, taking into account modern trends in the integration of legal regulation, expressed in the convergence of individual branches of law and legislation in solving problems of complex integral properties, its increasing importance is emphasized. In the aspect of the problem of streamlining legislation, the issues of codification are considered in combination with the issues of classification of legal acts. The author supports the idea of creating an automated information system for the codification of legislation, which will ensure universal coverage of the entire legislative array and proceed to the process of continuous codification.

Conclusion: the modern legal system of Russia should be created as a scientifically grounded, interconnected system of codified acts designed to serve as a basis for the formation and development of legislation, to promote its ordering and stabilization.

codification, legislation, codified act, code, industry, legal regulation
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Additional sources and materials

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