Criminal Legal Mechanisms for Ensuring National Security
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Criminal Legal Mechanisms for Ensuring National Security
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Stanislav Nudel 
Occupation: Head of the Center of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Legislation
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article analyzes the current trends in the formation and implementation of criminal law mechanisms to ensure national security on the basis of doctrinal approaches.

The purpose of the study is to develop conceptual provisions for the theory of ensuring national security through criminal legal influence and to prepare a set of scientifically based proposals for the modernization of criminal legal regulation. In achieving this goal, special attention in the context of ensuring national security is paid to solving problems related to determining the object of criminal legal protection, identifying problems of the institution of administrative prejudice in the mechanism for ensuring national security and assessing the prospects for criminalization in the development of information technology.

The dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods of abstraction, analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, as well as special legal methods: comparative legal, logical legal, etc., are defined as the methodological basis of the study.

The article argues the conclusion that national security, as a state of protection of the national interests of the Russian Federation, must be ensured by the state, including through the implementation of criminal legal mechanisms as a response to the most dangerous threats.

national security, crime, criminal liability, object of crime, criminalization, administrative prejudice
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Additional sources and materials

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11. Nudel S. L. Modernization of Criminal Policy: Problems of Legal Regulation. Journal of Russian Law, 2023, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 5—22. (In Russ. ) DOI: 10. 12737/jrp. 2023. 001. 
12. Khabrieva T. Y., Lebedev V. M. (eds). Justice in the Modern World. Moscow, 2012. (In Russ. ) 
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15. Khabrieva T. Y. National interests and legislative priorities of Russia. Journal of Russian Law, 2005, no. 12. (In Russ. ) 
16. Khabrieva T. Y. Law Facing the Challenges of Digital Reality. Journal of Russian Law, 2018, no. 9, pp. 5—16. (In Russ. ) DOI: 10. 12737/art_2018_9_1. 
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18. Zatelepin O. K. Criminal legal protection of military security of the Russian Federation. Dr. diss. thesis. Moscow, 2013. 58 p. (In Russ. ) 
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21. Печегин Д. А. Legal mechanisms for the protection of state digital sovereignty: a comparative legal aspect // Rossiyskiy zhurnal pravovykh issledovaniy, 2022, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 9—20. (In Russ. )


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