Fakes and Trash Streams as a Threat to Information Security
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Fakes and Trash Streams as a Threat to Information Security
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Lyudmila Tereshhenko 
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article examines new relations for Russian practice related to the introduction of a new concept of “fake news” into the legal field, the spread of fake news, the demonstration of trash streams and emerging problems of information security of the state, society, and the individual. The state's attention to the problem of deliberate dissemination of false information has increased many times due to the widespread use of the Internet by various segments of the population, where the flow of false information continues to increase many times. In fact, there is an information war; special technologies are used to influence the psyche of a person who finds it difficult to understand the events taking place, to distinguish lies from the truth. At the same time, fake news can concern a wide variety of aspects — from politics and specific actions of certain individuals to predictions about the future of humanity and individual peoples.

The article shows the three most popular topics for fakes. These are topics related to a special military operation; healthcare; politics and state security. The reasons for the unreliability of information may be different (incorrect choice of research methodology, insufficient empirical base in scientific and/ or sociological research, deliberate falsification of facts, deliberate dissemination of false information, etc. ). Cases of particular interest and importance for law are cases when the creation and dissemination of false information is intentional and has a negative impact on information security as an individual, and society as a whole.

Fake information is not the only threat to information security in Internet. From a means of communication and a source of knowledge, the Internet is turning into a means of manipulating public consciousness, a means of influencing individual groups of people and, above all, children and adolescents who lack life experience. And if false information is a centuries—old phenomenon, then trash streams are products of the Internet. The article analyzes this phenomenon and a number of reasons for its popularity, in particular, the gradual formation of an emphasis on violence, since it was violence that allowed increasing the number of viewers and, accordingly, donations. To date, the current legislation does not know the concept of “trash streams”, respectively; there is no special legal regulation of trash streams, as well as their prohibition. So far, they, as an independent social phenomenon, are outside the legal field. But trash streams, under certain circumstances, can be partially regulated by both legal and non-legal means.

fake news, trash streams, bloggers, information security, disinformation, Internet, false information, harmful information, freedom of speech, censorship, legal liability
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Additional sources and materials

1. Ilyashenko A. N., Khisamova Z. I. On some aspects of bringing to criminal liability for fake news distribution in social media in conditions of the pandemic. Rossiyskiy sledovatel’, 2020, no. 9. (In Russ.)
2. Scherbakov A. D. Fake news as an object of criminal legal regulation: Malaysian experience. Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnaya yustitsiya, 2018, no. 4. (In Russ.)


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