Ideological Origins of Legal Monitoring and Role of the ILCL Scientists in the Formation of the Theory of the Effectiveness of Legal Regulation
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Ideological Origins of Legal Monitoring and Role of the ILCL Scientists in the Formation of the Theory of the Effectiveness of Legal Regulation
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Yuri Arzamasov 
Occupation: Professor at the Department of Public Law and Legal Support of Management, Institute of Public Administration and Law
Affiliation: State University of Management
Address: Moscow, Russia

The purpose of the article is to determine the ideological foundations of the theory of legal monitoring.

The role of the Federation Council Commission on the Methodology of the implementation of constitutional powers by the Federation Council and the Law Monitoring Center under the Federation Council in the formation and development of the theory of legal monitoring is considered. The analysis showed that a certain foundation on which the theory of legal monitoring in Russia began to form was the ideas of the sociology of law, devoted to theoretical and methodological problems of sociological support of lawmaking. The ideological origins of the formation of the theory of legal monitoring in Russia were also scientific works devoted to the effectiveness of legal norms. The analysis of scientific works of employees of the All-Union Research Institute of Soviet Legislation devoted to the effectiveness of legal norms is given, the historical development of this theory is shown. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the scientific works of Professor V. V. Lazarev devoted to the effectiveness of legal regulation.

Conclusion: the theory of the effectiveness of legal regulation is not a complete concept, but a doctrine, the theoretical provisions and methodology of which in modern conditions are directly related to the science and practice of digitalization.

ideological origins, science, legal monitoring, sociology of law, applied sociology, methodology, research methods, digital technologies, efficiency, effectiveness of legal norms, theory of effectiveness of legal regulation, efficiency indicator
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Additional sources and materials

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