The Constitution of the Russian Federation: Identity, Stability and Development (to the 30th Anniversary of the Russian Basic Law)
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The Constitution of the Russian Federation: Identity, Stability and Development (to the 30th Anniversary of the Russian Basic Law)
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Thalia Y. Khabrieva 
Occupation: Director, ILCL
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

Each anniversary of the Russian Constitution gives an occasion for the analysis of the domestic constitutional system, assessment of its viability and forecasts of further development. Based on the results of the latest research, the article shows the reasons for the “longevity” of the Russian Constitution, its ability to function in a changing environment without radically revising the basic principles laid down in it; article also describes the ways of their implementation and the means of evolution of the Basic Law; the mechanisms of its filling with relevant content and adaptation to new conditions are revealed.

The 30-year practice of constitutional construction makes it possible to reveal the high degree of originality of the Russian Constitution of 1993, which is not always recognized in the doctrine, as well as the meaning and depth of the modernization of its text that took place during this time. The thesis that the Russian Constitution is a milestone in the history of the global evolution of constitutionalism is substantiated. It continues to set global trends and influence the constitutional development of other countries, primarily the post-Soviet space. Russian constitutional models have served as a guideline in the course of constitutional reforms in a number of states and are able to perform this function in the future, for example, in terms of the development of the social state parameters, constitutional regulation of science and scientific and technological development, which serves as evidence of the historical continuity of the mission of the Basic Law of Russia.

constitutionalism, constitutional reform, constitutional identity, constitutional development, constitutional regulation, constitutional and legal doctrine, constitutional and legal ideas, constitutional models, constitution, scientific and technological development, amendments to the Constitution, public authority, social state
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Additional sources and materials

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