Development of the Russian Federation as a Social State in the Context of the 30th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
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Development of the Russian Federation as a Social State in the Context of the 30th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
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Andrey Klishas 
Occupation: Head of the Department of Theory of Law and State, RUDN University; Scientific Supervisor of the Law Institute, RUDN University
Affiliation: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article examines the issues of the formation of Russia as a social state. Attention is drawn to the special importance of the state social function at the current stage of the historical and political development of the country in connection with the growing external pressure on Russia. Giving examples of two main models of the social state, the author examines the specifics of its modern domestic model, which is the result of the merger of paternalistic and liberal models.

The significant role of the norms of the Russian Constitution in the formation of conditions for the development of domestic socially oriented legislation, as well as the development of Russia as a social state, is emphasized. The role of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as a national judicial body providing social justice — a guarantee of social stability is noted.

Based on the results of the study of the speeches of the Russian President, the conclusion is formulated about the constant orientation of national policy towards compliance with the constitutional principle of the social state. The data on the state of individual institutions of the social sphere, as well as the goals of their qualitative improvement are presented.

Attention is paid to the constitutional amendments adopted by the results of the all-Russian vote in 2020, which expanded the range of guarantees and obligations of the state to the person. It is noted that the level of constitutional guarantee of rights and freedoms of a social orientation is conditioned by the specifics of the development of domestic constitutionalism in the XX century. Conclusion: it is necessary to improve the social policy of the state in order to maintain the state of social justice and successfully confront any challenges and external threats.

welfare state, social policy, constitution, amendments to the constitution
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Additional sources and materials

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