The “Pure” Doctrines of Law: Their Diversity in the History of Legal Thought and Their Influence on the Nature of Modern Legal Science
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The “Pure” Doctrines of Law: Their Diversity in the History of Legal Thought and Their Influence on the Nature of Modern Legal Science
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Vladimir S. Gorban 
Occupation: Head of the Department of Philosophy of Law, History and Theory of State and Law, Head of the Interdisciplinary Center for Philosophical and Legal Studies, ISL RAS
Affiliation: Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article highlights the problem of the diversity of “pure” doctrines of law in the history of legal thought, their main semantic and substantive characteristics. It is demonstrated that the very fact of the diversity of “pure” legal doctrines and their heterogeneity creates the impression of the vulnerability of jurisprudence as a science, its inability to independent thinking and critical introspection, despite all the pathos of searching for its own character of legal science. Contrary to the popular idea of the leading role of the Austrian lawyer G. Kelsen in the formation of the modern image of the theory of law, in the history of legal thought there are many “pure doctrines of law”, justifications of “pure law”, requirements of “purity” of legal knowledge. The “Pure Doctrine of Law” by G. Kelsen represents only a small milestone in the development of “pure” doctrines of law. The idea of the self-sufficiency of legal science, the need for a much more complete account of its semantic components, its character as a science of culture does not at all mean justifying the exclusive role of empirical knowledge. This is the same extreme. At present, there are all prerequisites for the development of the science of law on a much broader and meaningful cultural basis.

The purpose of the research is to generalize existing knowledge about the problem of " pure" legal knowledge in the history of legal thought, to clarify the place and nature of “pure” legal doctrines and their influence on modern legal science, as well as to substantiate the limitations of the requirement of “purity” as a condition for the development of modern theory of law and the corresponding concept of jurisprudence.

The research is based on the use of structural analysis of legal doctrines, dialectical approach, comparison, methods of linguistic and historical-literary study of texts.

The results and conclusions presented in the article can serve primarily as a significant clarification of the content, continuity and new aspects of the development of modern legal thought, the formulation of updated tasks for improving the theory of law.

“pure” doctrine of law, independence of jurisprudence, criteria of scientific character, pure law, normativism, disciplinarity of the theory of law, law as culture, the role of language and religion
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Additional sources and materials

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