Public Service Institutions in the Information Environment
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Public Service Institutions in the Information Environment
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Wladimir Kuznetsov 
Occupation: Leading Researcher, ILCL
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article is devoted to the analysis of the relationship of public service institutions with informatization and intellectualization. The relevance of the research is due to the importance of the place and role of public service in public administration, as well as the increasing influence of technological factors covered by the concepts of “information environment” and “intellectualization”. The information environment and intellectualization become significant objects of legal regulation, indirectly influencing the activities of legal entities on the formation of managerial decisions.

The purpose of the study: to form a reasonable idea of the institutions of public service in the conditions of informatization and intellectualization.

The methodological basis of the research was general scientific and special methods of cognition, mainly system-structural, formal-legal, formal-logical methods, as well as the method of interpretation of law.

In a state governed by the rule of law, the civil service in the totality of its constituent institutions is a socio-legal institution for ensuring the implementation of the constitution and laws of the State. The modern civil service, being a system-forming element of fundamental importance, organizing by administrative means and methods the coordinated functioning of state bodies for state administration, is not conceivable without the use of continuously developing information technologies. Digitalization, informatization and intellectualization are only successive stages of the life cycle of the applied means and methods of managing society, based on the results of theoretical research in the field of cybernetics, mathematics, psychology and other sciences, the subject of which is management activity. As a result, public service institutions have become objects for transformative impact of new technologies, and, being “entrusted” to information technologies, they have begun to lose the human aspect, moving towards uncontrolled by man and society, and therefore unpredictable results of management processes. “Digitized” public service institutions are subject to hidden, not always felt, external influence on public administration and on the rights of citizens.

intellectualization of public service, public service institutions, digital environment, digitalization, informatization, information environment, information space, public service
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Additional sources and materials

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