Private International Law: Some Development Trends, Traditional and Novelization Institutions
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Private International Law: Some Development Trends, Traditional and Novelization Institutions
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Sergey Sinitsyn 
Occupation: Chief Researcher, Center of Private Law
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The unprecedented impact of technology on society, the dramatic change in the climate of international relations due to the economic blockade of the Russian economy had a direct and immediate impact on the development of national law and private international law. This is not about slowing down, but about reversing the processes of globalization. The agenda includes the issues of updating the personal statute of a legal entity, the tort statute in the aspect of personal rights protection, the formation of the statute of intellectual property rights and securities in Russian legislation. Relations on the use of artificial intelligence systems, cryptocurrencies and blockchain require special regulation in private international law. The aggressive anti-Russian sanctions policy of the United States and Europe necessitates the modernization of public order regimes and superimperative norms, and the development of regulation of foreign property expropriation in Russian law. This article is devoted to the discussion of these issues, prepared on the basis of the author's report at the plenary session of the XVII Scientific Readings in memory of Professor S. N. Bratus.

theory and practice of private international law, trends in the development of private international law, statutes, public order, superimperative norms
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Additional sources and materials

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