Review of the XVII Scientific Readings in the Memory of Professor S. N. Bratus on the Topic “Ideas and Traditions of Russian Civil Law: Frontiers of Epochs and New Horizons”
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Review of the XVII Scientific Readings in the Memory of Professor S. N. Bratus on the Topic “Ideas and Traditions of Russian Civil Law: Frontiers of Epochs and New Horizons”
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Anna Mkhitaryan 
Occupation: Senior Specialist, Center of Private Law
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia
Ekaterina Yamasheva
Occupation: Researcher, Center of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Legislation
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

On October 18, 2023, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation held the XVII Scientific readings in memory of Professor S. N. Bratus on the topic “Ideas and traditions of domestic civil law: boundaries of eras and new horizons”. The civil law school of the Institute made a decisive contribution not only to fundamental and scientific-practical developments on the subject of civil law, but also to the coordination of civil law research. The names of the Institute's scientists (D. M. Genkin, E. A. Fleishitz, A. L. Makovsky, V. A. Dozortsev, N. I. Klein, O. N. Sadikov, L. A. Lunts, I. B. Novitsky et al.) have taken a worthy place in the galaxy of classics of Russian civil law. The authority of civil law scientists of the Institute is generally recognized, and their services are highly appreciated not only in Russia, but also abroad. Their scientific achievements are receiving new development in modern conditions, which ensures a continuous dialogue between generations of scientists, continuity and accumulation of knowledge.

The article highlights the welcoming words and reports of the participants of the plenary session — leading representatives of Russian legal science and heads of state authorities: T. Y. Khabrieva, Yu. S. Zubov, E. A. Sukhanov, G. A. Gadzhiev, M.Yu. Barshchevsky, Yu.V. Voronin, I. A. Drozdov, G. P. Ivliev, A. G. Tsyganov, M. L. Galperin, V. V. Kulakov, V. V. Ershov, S. A. Sinitsyn. The review also outlines the main ideas expressed by speakers and discussion participants at the following thematic round tables: “New horizons of corporate law in modern conditions”; “Civilistic concept of intellectual property in modern economic conditions”; “Civil legal principles of competition”; “Trends and prospects for legal regulation of digital data circulation”; “Financial interests: conflict between public and private”; “Public legal regulation of economic activity in the EAEU”; “The use of civil law institutions in labor law and social security law”; “Convergence of public and private law in the energy sector”; “Economic constitutionalism in the judicial dimension”; “Leges societatis & system of law”; “Comparative method in modern civil law: achievements and prospects”; “History of sociological research of the Institute”; “Constitution and economic relations: evolution of models”; “Criminal legal risks of business activity”; “Judicial protection of civil rights: traditions and development”.

corporate law, intellectual property, competition, digital data, financial interests, energy, labor law, legal system, criminal law, entrepreneurial activity, judicial protection of rights
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