The Category “Objects of Civil Law Rights” in the Pre-Revolutionary Doctrine
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The Category “Objects of Civil Law Rights” in the Pre-Revolutionary Doctrine
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Vyacheslav Kress 
Occupation: Chairman
Affiliation: Moscow District Arbitration Court
Address: Moscow, Russia

The legal category “objects of civil law rights”, its essence, content and systematization of its elements still remain one of the controversial issues of scientific doctrine, which has not received its resolution at the present time. Despite the use of this term in the world scientific literature for about two hundred years, the science of civil law has not come close to solving many controversial issues, in particular, about the relationship between objects of civil law and objects of civil legal relations, about understanding the category of objects of civil rights, which is mainly opposed to subjects of legal relations, etc.

This article presents the doctrinal positions of pre-revolutionary scientists in relation to the category under consideration, which are based on Roman sources.

objects of civil law rights, objects of civil legal relations, characteristics of objects of law, pre-revolutionary law, property, thing, disembodied things, actions
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Additional sources and materials

1. Agarkov M. M. Obligation under Soviet civil law. Moscow, 1940. 190 p. (In Russ.) 
2. Aleksandrov N. A Short Guide to a Visual Introduction to Civil Law, or the ABCs of Civil Law. Odessa, 1869. 76 p. (In Russ.) 
3. Annenkov K. N. System of Russian Civil Law. Vol. 1. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1899. 24 p. (In Russ.) 
4. Vaskovskiy E. V. Textbook of Civil Law. Moscow, 2003. 380 p. (In Russ.) 
5. Velyaminov-Zernov V. Experience of outlining Russian private civil law. Part. 2. St. Petersburg, 1823. (In Russ.) 
6. Gaius. Institutes of Roman Law. Moscow, 1997. (In Russ.) 
7. Gambarov Yu. S. Course of Civil Law: Part General. Vol. 1. St. Petersburg, 1911. (In Russ.) 
8. Gatin A. M. Civil Law. Moscow, 2007. (In Russ.) 
9. Sukhanov E. A. (ed.). Civil Law: textbook. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. Moscow, 2002. (In Russ.) 
10. Kalpin A. G., Maslyaev A. I. (eds). Civil Law: textbook. Part. 1. Moscow, 2001. (In Russ.) 
11. Grimm D. D. Towards a doctrine of objects of rights. Vestnik prava, 1905, Book 7. (In Russ.) 
12. Grimm D. D. Lectures on the dogma of Roman Law. Ed. by V. A. Tomsinov. Moscow, 2002. 
13. Grimm D. D. Encyclopaedia of Law. St. Petersburg, 1895. (In Russ.) 
14. Dyuvernua N. L. Readings on Civil Law. Vol. 1. Iss. 1. St. Petersburg, 1902. (In Russ.) 
15. Ivanchak A. I. Civil Law of the Russian Federation: General Part. Moscow, 2014. (In Russ.) 
16. Kukolnik V. G. Elementary Foundations of Roman Civil Law to Guide the Teaching of Roman Civil Law at Public Courses. St. Petersburg, 1810. (In Russ.) 
17. Kukol’nik V. G. Initial Foundations of Russian Private Civil Law. St. Petersburg, 1813. (In Russ.) 
18. Meyer D. I. Russian Civil Law. 10th ed. Petrograd, 1915. (In Russ.) 
19. Meyer D. I. Russian Civil Law. Moscow, 1873. (In Russ.) 
20. Meyer D. I. Russian Civil Law. Moscow, 2003. (In Russ.) 
21. Meyer D. I. Russian Civil Law: Readings by D. I. Meyer, published from the notes of his students. Ed. by A. Vitsyn. 5th ed. Moscow, 1873. (In Russ.) 
22. Petrazhitskiy L. I. Theory of Law and state in relation to moral theory. St. Petersburg, 2000. (In Russ.) 
23. Pobedonostsev K. Civil Law Course. St. Petersburg, 1868—1880. (In Russ.) 
24. Novitskiy I. B., Pereterskiy I. S. (eds). Roman Private Law: textbook. Moscow, 2004. 
25. Savigny F. K. fon. System of the modern Roman. Ed. by O. Kutateladze, V. Zubar. Vol. 1. Moscow, 2011. 510 p. (In Russ.) 
26. Senchishchev V. I. Object of civil legal relations. In: Braginskiy M. I. (ed.). Actual problems of civil rights. Moscow, 1998. (In Russ.) 
27. Sinayskiy V. I. Russian Civil Law. Moscow, 2002. (In Russ.) 
28. Sklovskiy K. I. Property in Civil Law. 5th ed. Moscow, 2010. (In Russ.) 
29. Suvorov N. S. Lectures on the Encyclopaedia of Law. Moscow, 1907. (In Russ.) 
30. Khalfina R. O. General doctrine of legal relations. Moscow, 1974. (In Russ.) 
31. Khvostov V. M. The system of Roman Law: textbook. Moscow, 1996. 521 p. (In Russ.) 
32. Tsvetaev L. A. Foundations of private Civil Law. Moscow, 1825. 156 p. (In Russ.) 
33. Tsitovich P. P. Russian Sivil Law. General part: lecture notes. Kiev, 1894. 80 p. (In Russ.) 
34. Shershenevich G. F. Selected. Vol. 5: Textbook of Russian Civil Law. Ed. by P. V. Krasheninnikov. Moscow, 2017. (In Russ.) 
35. Shershenevich G. F. Textbook of Russian Civil Law. 11th ed. Vol. 1. Moscow, 1914. (In Russ.) 
36. Shershenevich G. F. Textbook of Russian Civil Law. 3rd ed. Kazan’, 1901. 777 p. (In Russ.) 
37. Vinogradov P. G. Essays on the theory of law. Moscow, 1915. (In Russ.)


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