The Use of Information and Communication Technologies by the Investigator During Investigative Actions: Risks and Ways to Overcome
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The Use of Information and Communication Technologies by the Investigator During Investigative Actions: Risks and Ways to Overcome
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Olga Malysheva 
Occupation: Professor at the Department of Criminal Procedure Law
Affiliation: Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)
Address: Moscow, Russia
Pavel Samsonov
Occupation: Chief Expert, Department of Legislation on Defense, Security and Judicial Proceedings
Affiliation: Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The use of information and communication technologies at the stage of preliminary investigation is a natural result of the digitalization of public relations, the prospects of which are indicated by presidential decrees and resolutions and orders of the Russian Government. The expediency of using these technologies in the formation of the investigator's evidence base in a criminal case is determined by the need to ensure a reasonable period of criminal proceedings, respect for the rights and legitimate interests of the person involved in pre-trial proceedings. However, official statistical data indicate that these goals have not been achieved, as a result of which it is necessary to study the theoretical and legal foundations and law enforcement aspects of the investigator's use of information and communication technologies in the conduct of investigative actions.

The authors carried out a systematic analysis of the criminal procedural norms regulating the preparation by the investigator of the investigative action, the procedure for conducting an investigative action and registration of its results using digital technologies. In 2022—2023, in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, the opinions of investigators and inquirers on the optimality of the legal mechanism for the remote production of investigative actions were studied. The legal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the scientific opinions of representatives of the legal community on these issues are investigated.

According to the results of the study, possible risks of non-compliance with a reasonable period of pre-trial proceedings, violation of the rights and legitimate interests of a person remotely involved in the production of an investigative action have been identified. In order to mitigate the noted risks, the need is justified to improve the procedural procedure for notifying a person of an appearance to an investigator by means of communication, the legal status of an investigator executing an assignment to ensure the participation of an accused, victim, witness in an investigative action using a video conferencing system, strengthening the procedural guarantee of the right to defense, optimizing the procedural procedure for familiarizing a person with the protocol of an investigative an action performed with his participation in a remote format.

investigator, investigative action, remote format, defender, access to justice, right to defense, reasonable time of criminal proceedings, preliminary investigation, video conferencing, digital technologies, protocol of investigative action
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Additional sources and materials

1. Antonovich E. K. The use of digital technology in the interrogation of witnesses in the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings (comparative legal analysis of the Russian Federation legislation and laws of some foreign countries). Actual Problems of Russian Law, 2019, no. 6(103), pp. 125—136. (In Russ.) 
2. Aristarkhov A. P. Use of social networks for notification of the production of investigative and other proceeding actions. Voprosy rossiyskoy yustitsii, 2022, no. 22, pp. 401—409. (In Russ.) 
3. Bravilova E. A. Some problems of participation defense counsel in investigative actions. Vestnik Ural'skogo yuridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii, 2021, no. 1, pp. 15—24. (In Russ.) 
4. Zhdanova Ya. V. Forced delivery (drive) for the production of procedural actions in the Russian Federation: problems of theory and practice. Innovative aspects of the development of science and technology: collection of articles of the VII International scientific and practical conference, April 23, 2021. Saratov, 2021. Pp. 87—96. (In Russ.) 
5. Zholtonog T. V. Grounds and problems of applying the drive to the victim and witness who evade the call. Vestnik Barnaul'skogo yuridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii, 2013, no. 2(25), pp. 21—22. (In Russ.) 
6. Malysheva O. A. Pre-trial proceedings in criminal proceedings: the state and prospects of development: textbook. Moscow, 2023. 327 p. (In Russ.) 
7. Malysheva O. A. Procedural guarantees of the r ights of participants in investigative activities carried out via a video conferencing system. Lex Russica, 2022, vol. 75, no. 6(187), pp. 74—84. (In Russ.) 
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9. Pobedkin A. V. Remote collection of evidence: distribution of procedural responsibility. Criminalistics and criminal procedure science: current state and development trends: materials of the international scientific and practical conference (February 7, 2022). Karaganda, 2022. (In Russ.) 
10. Rudenko A. V. The organizing of interrogation via videoconferencing within the Russian Federation. Obshchestvo: politika, ekonomika, pravo, 2022, no. 8(109), pp. 36—42. (In Russ.) 
11. Golovanova N. A., Gravina A. A., Zaycev O. A. et al. Jurisdictional lawful activities within the criminal law sphere framework in the context of digitalization. Moscow, 2019. 212 p. (In Russ.) 
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13. Khabrieva T. Y. Law Facing the Challenges of Digital Reality. Journal of Russian Law, 2018, no. 9, pp. 5—16. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/art_2018_9_1. 
14. Kucherov I. I., Sinitsyn S. A. (eds). The digital economy: current directions of legal regulation. Moscow, 2023. 376 p. (In Russ.) 
15. Sheyfer S. A. Investigative actions. System and procedural form. Moscow, 2001. 208 p. (In Russ.)


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