Formation of the Institute of Judicial Investigators in the Russian Empire (the Second Half of the 19th — Early 20th Centuries): Based on the Materials of the Ekaterinodar District Court
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Formation of the Institute of Judicial Investigators in the Russian Empire (the Second Half of the 19th — Early 20th Centuries): Based on the Materials of the Ekaterinodar District Court
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Natalia Parshina 
Occupation: Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law
Affiliation: Kuban State University
Address: Krasnodar, Russia

The article is devoted to the historical and legal analysis of the institute of judicial investigators in pre-revolutionary Russia during its formation and development (from the 1860s to the beginning of the 20th century). Throughout the second half of the 19th century, the legislator sought to improve not only the judicial system, but also to improve the quality of the preliminary investigation by expanding both the territorial jurisdiction and the limits of the competence of judicial investigators. Today in Russia, the issue of the revival of the institute under study is being discussed as a significant interim measure of judicial control over the preliminary investigation. In this regard, this issue is once again gaining scientific relevance.

The purpose of the study is to trace the evolution of the regulatory regulation of the legal status of judicial investigators in the Russian Empire. The objectives of this work are the need to analyze the main stages and patterns of the formation of the corps of judicial investigators in the historical past of the Fatherland, as well as to study the features of their practical activities on the example of the Ekaterinodar District Court, relying on archival sources.

Using historical-legal, comparative-legal and formal-legal methods of scientific cognition, the author comes to the conclusion that the inclusion of judicial investigators in the judicial system, despite procedural shortcomings in their work, allowed the state to significantly modernize law enforcement activities, legitimizing the conditions for improving the effectiveness of preliminary investigation, and, as a result, judicial proceedings.

judicial system, judicial proceedings, preliminary investigation, stages of criminal proceedings, judicial investigator, judicial investigator in particularly important cases, judicial investigator in important cases, judicial reform, investigative reform
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Additional sources and materials

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11. Parshina N. V. Legal regulation of the social structure and land relations of the Cossacks of the South of Russia (XV — early XX centuries). Biysk, 2015. 167 p. (In Russ.) 
12. Poddubnyak A. A., Avdeev I. M. The revival of the Institute of investigative judges in the Russian Federation. Uchenye zapiski Krymskogo federal'nogo universiteta imeni V. I. Vernadskogo. Yuridicheskie nauki, 2020, no. 3, pp. 227—233. (In Russ.) 
13. Rogava I. G., Mamedov N. A. Prospects for introducing of the institute of investigative judges in the Russian Federation. International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences, 2020, no. 5-4, pp. 138—140. (In Russ.) 
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16. Sorokina Yu. V. The main stages of the reform of the investigative apparatus and preliminary investigation in Russia in 1860—1864. Sudebnaya vlast' i ugolovnyy protsess, 2014, no. 3, pp. 270—277. (In Russ.) 
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20. Tsvetkov Yu. A. Is it possible to recreate the institute of judicial investigators in the Russian Federation? I Stoyanov readings. Russian investigative authorities: past, present, future: materials of scientific and practical conference (Moscow, April 15, 2021). Moscow, 2021. Pp. 25— 29. (In Russ.)


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