Strategic Constitutionalism and Constitutional Communication: Theoretical and Methodological, Legal and Informational Aspects
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Strategic Constitutionalism and Constitutional Communication: Theoretical and Methodological, Legal and Informational Aspects
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Igor A. Kravets 
Occupation: Acting Head of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Chief Researcher, Institute for Philosophy and Law
Affiliation: Novosibirsk State University
Address: Novosibirsk, Russia

The article was p repared on the basis of the author's report at the scientific and methodological seminar of the school of Russian constitutionalism “Theory and Philosophy of Constitutionalism: Modern trends” (in memory of Academician O. E. Kutafin) (Kutafin Moscow State Law University, June 26, 2023). It examines communicative and strategic constitutionalism as theoretical models and constitutional-legal categories in modern multidimensional jurisprudence; scientific approaches to understanding popular and deliberative constitutionalism, the role of the principle of popular sovereignty and collective wisdom in modern constitutional law and in the era of digital democracy and information society; conceptual, constitutional and international legal aspects of the formation of a comprehensive institute of people's deliberative constitutionalism, the relationship between democracy and constitutionalism in the early 21st century, when various forms of participation are widely used citizens and the institution of the public in constitutional changes. The philosophical and legal foundations of the relationship between constitutionalism and democracy are critically evaluated from the standpoint of the policy of involvement and participation in constitutional changes; the problem of the geopolitical and international spread of various models of constitutionalism is revealed.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the significance and prospects for the development of an inclusive constitutional paradigm through the doctrines and practice of strategic and communicative constitutionalism. The participation of citizens, civil society institutions, professional and expert opinion is considered as an inclusive, humanistic and social basis in the structure of communicative constitutionalism and in the procedure of constitutional amendments.

The discursive approach and critical rationalism in legal research, methods of historical dialectics, constitutional hermeneutics and legal engineering are used, which allow us to reveal the legal and geopolitical nature of strategic constitutionalism, forms of citizen participation in communicative constitutionalism in the context of the formation of a multipolar world.

Conclusions: the doctrine of communicative and strategic constitutionalism creates an intellectual and normative-ethical basis for updating the constitutional policy of the state in the public political and legal spheres, expands the forms and methods of interaction between citizens and public authorities in the implementation of constituent power, deliberative and imperative procedures of constitutional changes.

communicative constitutionalism, strategic jurisprudence, constituent power, strategic constitutionalism, popular initiatives, popular sovereignty, deliberative democracy, voting, collective wisdom, information society
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Additional sources and materials

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