Language Policy in the Interests of Maintaining the Cultural and National Identity of Russian Citizens
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Language Policy in the Interests of Maintaining the Cultural and National Identity of Russian Citizens
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Liya Vasilieva 
Occupation: Leading Researcher, Department of Constitutional Law
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

Language policy is an essential part of the state national policy. It is focused on regulating public relations in three main directions: the use of the languages of the peoples of Russia in order to ensure their preservation and development, the formation of a set of measures that promote the use of the state language of the Russian Federation in official spheres of communication and expand its use in interpersonal informal communication (which is not regulated by law), ensuring guarantees for the study of the native language by its native speakers and popularization of the use of the national (native) language in the fields of education, creativity, and science. The implementation of language policy involves taking into account the plurality of identity, including cultural identity, linguistic identity, which can be considered, under certain conditions, not independently, but as elements of civic identity.

The article examines the main directions of language policy, taking into account the combination of individual and collective interests in the fields of language and culture, which contributes to the development of both national languages and cultures and all-Russian symbols — the state language and all-Russian culture. The heterogeneous nature of the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of language policy implementation is emphasized.

The directions of improving legislative regulation in order to ensure ethnocultural and linguistic diversity, the development of guarantees for the protection of national languages, and the improvement of the mechanism for the use of languages with different legal status are proposed.

The dialectical method of scientific cognition aimed at the study of legal phenomena and processes in their interrelation and systemic unity, and other general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization) are used.

Conclusion. Language policy in the interests of maintaining the cultural and national identity of Russian citizens requires taking into account at least two factors in its formation: the need to preserve and protect national culture and language as the basis for the formation of national identity, and strengthening the all-Russian civic identity, which allows a Russian citizen to recognize himself as a Russian. Its principles include the protection of the rights of Russian citizens in the field of culture and language, the promotion and preservation of national languages and cultures of each people of Russia, the adaptation of migrants to the language and culture of the host community, the protection of the linguistic rights of compatriots abroad, the protection of the state language as the main element of the all-Russian civil identity.

national identity, language policy, linguistic diversity, cultural identity, all-Russian civil identity, national language, state national policy
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Additional sources and materials

1. Andrichenko L. V. Legal Mechanisms for Preserving the Ethnocultural Identity of the Peoples of the Russian Federation and the Formation of an All-Russian Civic Identity. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 6, pp. 38—51. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2020.066. 
2. Andrichenko L. V. Evolution of the Principles of Federalism in Russia in View of the 2020 Constitutional Reforms. Journal of Russian Law, 2022, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 48—59. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2022.028. 
3. Andrichenko L. V., Postnikov A. E., Vasil'eva L. N. et al. Legal Regulation of Interethnic Relations in the Russian Federation: Problems of Theory and Practice. Moscow, 2021. 296 p. (In Russ.) 
4. Vasilev A. A., Vasileva L. N. Linguistic Diversity of Russia: Novelties of Constitutional Regulation. Istoriya, 2020, vol. 11, iss. 8(94). (In Russ.) DOI: 10.18254/S207987840012151-5. 
5. Klishas A. Development of the Russian Federation as a Social State in the Context of the 30th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Journal of Russian Law, 2023, vol. 27, iss. 12, pp. 22—37. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.61205/jrp.2023.136. 
6. Koryakov Yu. B., Davidyuk T. I., Kharitonov V. S. et al. The list of languages of Russia and the statuses of their vitality. Moscow, 2022. 80 p. (In Russ.) 
7. Kochoi S. The Right to Ethnic Identity and the Problems of Its Realization (the Experience of Russian Yezidis). Journal of Russian Law, 2023, vol. 27, iss. 9, pp. 28—40. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.61205/jrp.2023.101. 
8. Khabrieva T. Y., Andrichekno L. V. Interethnic relations as an object of scientific research: the state of modern Russian legal science. In: Tishkov V. A. (ed.). Scientific research in the field of ethnicity, interethnic relations and the history of national politics: mater. Sessions of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Complex problems of ethnicity and interethnic relations (December 19, 2017, Moscow). Moscow, 2018. (In Russ.)


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