Strategies for the Development of Legal Regulation of High-Performance Sports in the Context of International Sanctions
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Strategies for the Development of Legal Regulation of High-Performance Sports in the Context of International Sanctions
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Sergey Lyudvig 
Occupation: Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law Disciplines
Affiliation: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Address: Moscow, Russia
Andrei Seregin
Occupation: Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law Disciplines
Affiliation: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article examines the legal problems of the strategic development of the legal regulation of high-performance sports in the context of international sanctions against Russian athletes and sports.

The purpose of the study is to form law-making proposals for long-term planning of the development of high-performance sports in the realities of sanctioned discrimination of domestic athletes and sports federations.

The methodology of the work is based on the application of comparative legal (synchronic and diachronic) methods of cognition, as well as the use of techniques and methods of hermeneutical interpretation of legal sources in the field of regulation of high-performance sports, which is also terminologically understood as “big or Olympic sports”.

Results. Sanctioned discrimination of Russian sports by international sports organizations is considered within the framework of the geopolitical struggle for world hegemony. At the same time, the practice of applying prohibitions and restrictions for various countries in historical retrospect is specifically analyzed. The legal groundlessness of the majority of claims against the anti-doping and sports policy of the Russian Federation is proved. Legal mechanisms and priority directions of development of mass sports of the highest achievements are considered.

Conclusions. The necessity of updating the criteria for rating the effectiveness of national sports federations and the Russian Olympic Committee is justified; it is proposed to strengthen social guarantees for Russian athletes; the importance of reviving the Goodwill Games for free countries and peoples under the auspices of Russia is proved.

legal regulation, high performance sports, sanctions, Olympic Committee of the Russian Federation, discrimination, Goodwill Games
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Additional sources and materials

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