The Conditional and the Unconditional in Legal Science and Legal Education
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The Conditional and the Unconditional in Legal Science and Legal Education
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Galina Lanovaya 
Occupation: Professor, Department of Theory of State and Law
Affiliation: Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V. Y. Kikot
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article deals with the issue of the ratio of the conditional and the unconditional in legal science and legal education. On the one hand, they have a desire to establish the identity of those mental structures that they represent with the objects, processes, properties they study, which gives them unconditional knowledge of the highest value. On the other hand, science and education develop by questioning existing knowledge, which implies recognition of the conditionality of the latter.

The purpose of the study is to differentiate the conditional and the unconditional in legal science and legal education, believing that this makes it possible to better understand them. To achieve this goal, the question of whether a legal dogma (dogma of law) is unconditional is being resolved; the properties of legal science and legal education are analyzed, which determine the ratio of the conditional and the unconditional moments in them; the search is carried out for what, being the unconditional in law, remains the unconditional in its reflections in legal science and legal education.

At all stages of the research, general scientific methods were used primarily: analysis, synthesis, induction, abstraction, reduction, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, etc.

According to the results of the study, it is stated that in legal science and legal education there are both the conditional and the unconditional, while the conditional prevails in them. The unconditional is absolute, self—evident, non-accidental, timeless, unchangeable, independent of anything; it is only the cultural conditionality of legal science and legal education, as well as the reproduction in them of those archetypes, attitudes, semantic ideas and basic values that make up the deep layer of the legal culture of society. In their conditionality with these components of legal culture, legal science and legal education appear to be an organic part of the legal culture of society.

legal science, legal education, the unconditional and the conditional in legal science, the unconditional and the conditional in legal education, dogma of law, legal dogma, methodology of legal science, legal culture
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Additional sources and materials

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