The RSFSR Criminal Code of 1922: The History of Development and Characteristics of Theoretical Basis and Institutions of the General Part
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The RSFSR Criminal Code of 1922: The History of Development and Characteristics of Theoretical Basis and Institutions of the General Part
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Valentin Mikhailov 
Occupation: Chief Researcher, Department of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Legislation, Judicial System, ILCL; Professor, Department of International and Public Law, Juridical Faculty, Financial University
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The peculiarities of modern criminal legislation and the practice of its application were laid down during the development of criminal legislation of the initial period of the Soviet state on the basis of the class understanding of law and the sociological school of criminal law, the main element of which was the concept of a dangerous state of personality. In the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 1996, there are provisions, the theoretical basis of which is also the named concept (for example, Articles 2101, 2801), but they are not accompanied by proper alignment with the norms of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In this regard, the task of the study is to demonstrate, on the basis of documents and works of the 1920s, about the purpose of the criminal law, the theoretical foundations of its construction, the concept of a dangerous state of personality, the main stages of the adoption of the RSFSR Criminal Code in 1922, the characteristics of the crime and its elements (preparation, assassination, guilt, necessary defense, extreme necessity and insistence of the murdered (consent of the person)), as well as some elements of the discussion on the application of social protection measures.

The study used dogmatic, systematic and logical methods, the method of description and the method of dialectical cognition, the application of which allowed us to consider the formation of the Criminal Code of 1922 in development.

The paper concludes that in the Criminal Code of 1922, the basis for the application of criminal punishment and social protection measures was a “crime” and a “dangerous state of personality”. It is noted that there is a need for further research of the concept of “dangerous state of the face” based on an interdisciplinary approach.

RSFSR Criminal Code of 1922, history of criminal law, basis of criminal liability, crime, dangerous condition of a person, sociological school of criminal law, necessary defense, extreme necessity, insistence of the murdered person (consent of the person)
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Additional sources and materials

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