Current Issues of the Implementation of the Russian State National Policy: The Legal Aspect
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Current Issues of the Implementation of the Russian State National Policy: The Legal Aspect
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Ludmila V. Andrichenko 
Occupation: Head of the Center of Public Legal Research
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

According to its national and cultural component, Russia today is a country focused on the development of multinational unity and the foundations of social solidarity. Taking into account the changes in the strategy and tactics of preserving culture in the process of globalization, there is a more active movement of Russian society towards the traditional model of value orientations with the priority of self-reliance, the growth of patriotism, the development of spirituality and the formation of prospects for a new collective sociality. National policy issues are constantly on the political agenda of public authorities, which increases the importance of their legal component. The Russian Federation has developed its own legal model for regulating interethnic relations, based on the fundamental values of Russian civilization, moral guidelines arising from the traditions of national culture. As part of the State legal policy, the Russian Federation has created its own legal standard for ensuring and protecting the rights of small indigenous peoples, which has no analogues in world practice.

Taking into account the dialectical method of scientific cognition aimed at the study of legal phenomena and processes in their interrelation and systemic unity, as well as other general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization), the article considers and suggests solutions to certain problems related to the sphere of legal support for the implementation of the Russian state national policy.

Conclusions are drawn about possible promising directions for the further development of strategic planning in the field under consideration, due to the general paradigm of state and legal development.

interethnic relations, national minorities, indigenous peoples, civic identity, strategic planning, national-cultural autonomy, ethnocultural public associations
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Additional sources and materials

1. Khabrieva T. Y., Tikhomirov Yu. A. (eds). Scientific Concepts of Development of the Russian Legislation. 8th ed. Mossow, 2024. 656 p. (In Russ.) 
2. Andrichenko L. V., Postnikov A. E. Legal Regulation of Interethnic Relations in the Russian Federation: Problems of Theory and Practice. Moscow, 2021. 296 p. (In Russ.) 
3. Andrichenko L. V. Migration Legal Policy of Russia: Trends and Ways of Development. Moscow, 2024. 288 p. (In Russ.) 
4. Andrichenko L. V. Zashchita kul’turnogo naslediya narodov Rossii: problemy zakonodatel’nogo regulirovaniya. In: Tishkov V. A. (ed.). Kul’turnoe nasledie: istoricheskiy opyt i sovremennye interpretatsii (k itogam Goda kul’turnogo naslediya narodov Rossii). Moscow, 2023. Pp. 31—48. 
5. Tishkov V. A. (ed.). State national policy of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2020. (In Russ.)


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