The Precautionary Principle in Securing Somatic Rights
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The Precautionary Principle in Securing Somatic Rights
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Dmitry Vasilevich 
Occupation: Associate Professor, Department of International Law
Affiliation: International University “MITSO”
Address: Minsk, Belarus

The precautionary principle has gained traction since the 1970s, predominantly in relation to the need to prevent threats to the environment. However, it needs to be given a wider scope of application.

Aim and objectives of the study. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to be guided by this principle in the normative and law enforcement sphere with a focus on somatic rights. In this regard, the following tasks were defined: to analyze the positions of scientists regarding the development of this principle; to reflect the legal regulation of relations at the national and international levels in connection with the implementation of the precautionary principle; to express our own judgments about its implementation in the sphere of somatic rights.

Methods: the methods of analysis and synthesis were used.

The precautionary principle was first used as a criterion for decisions affecting the environment. The literature suggests that this principle should be applied even if there is no general agreement among the scientific community about the harmfulness of what is being planned and how great the possible harm is; the main thing is to have reliable evidence that there is no harm. The precautionary principle, thus, implies: the need to foresee harm and determine measures to minimize them; the obligation to prove the avoidance of significant harm lies on the entity initiating the relevant activity; this principle should be guided also in conditions of scientific uncertainty. This principle is becoming universal. The pace of development of genetic engineering and biotechnology can be characterized as a manifestation of modern technological singularity in this area. In the sphere of somatic rights, when simple or complex medical intervention is carried out, the informed voluntary consent of the patient to medical intervention is of paramount importance. In this case, it is fair to emphasize the principle of autonomy of the patient, his dialog with the doctor, rather than a paternalistic type of relationship, when the doctor dominates the patient. The right to choose actions and responsibility is shared between these subjects; they mutually participate in decision-making. The content of the precautionary principle in the provision of medical care also includes the patient's responsibilities. In the sphere of somatic rights, the precautionary principle should be guided both in the process of general juridification of new social relations, and when providing these rights to a specific person.

precautionary principle, somatic rights, biotechnology, genetic engineering
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Additional sources and materials

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