The Impact of Unilateral Sanctions on Contractual Obligations: Basic Theoretical Approaches
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The Impact of Unilateral Sanctions on Contractual Obligations: Basic Theoretical Approaches
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Igor Voskoboynik 
Occupation: Postgraduate Student
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The issue of the impact of economic sanctions on contractual relations between the parties is relevant today for several reasons. Firstly, an unprecedented number of foreign sanctions have been imposed on the Russian Federation, its citizens and organizations at the moment, preventing the conduct of commercial activities and requiring the resolution of emerging disputes. Secondly, due to the presence of a public element and low theoretical elaboration of this topic, the application of sanctions legislation in civil law disputes often turns out to be unsystematic and contradictory.

The article analyzes two main approaches to the impact of sanctions on treaties and their legal consequences. According to the first approach, sanctions are considered as factual circumstances that objectively affect the performance of contractual obligations, and therefore there is no analysis of the legality of the impact of these norms on the contract. As a result, the assessment of such an impact takes place on the basis of lex fori norms in terms of force majeure, the impossibility of fulfilling an obligation or its termination. The second approach, on the contrary, involves considering sanctions as norms of law and evaluating them in terms of criteria of private international law (for example, as super-mandatory norms and compliance with lex fori public policy), recognizing them as part of the treaty statute.

Due to the low theoretical elaboration of this topic in Russian law, these approaches are often mixed, which leads to unpredictable consequences in the regulation of contractual relations between the parties.

sanction laws, contract, influence, datum approach, legal norm approach, international private law
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Additional sources and materials

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