Certain Methodological Aspects of Constitutional Control Models Construction
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Certain Methodological Aspects of Constitutional Control Models Construction
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Rovshan Ismailov 
Occupation: Cand. Sci. (Law), Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Affiliation: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan

The author of the article analyzes doctrinal approaches to the formation of models of constitutional control, identifies the main criteria and principles for the formation of such models, which makes it possible to make legal modeling more accurate. The possibility of applying natural science approaches to constitutional and legal modeling is considered, as well as the models of constitutional control are classified into traditional and other models that allow to more accurately determine the place of a particular model of constitutional control in the system. The principles that can be applied in the study of models of constitutional control are analyzed, in particular, the principle of exhaustive completeness of the study and the principle of mutual exclusion. The first principle assumes rigor in defining the modeling criteria and, accordingly, the scope of the study, the second principle implies that the criteria underlying one model cannot characterize another. The implementation of modeling in relation to constitutional control is most effective in the presence of a wide range of criteria, which makes it possible to reflect the unique characteristics inherent in various control systems. The goals and objectives of the research were the search for criteria for the formation of models of constitutional control, ways to transform the list of modeling criteria from a traditional closed list into a flexible one capable of reflecting the existing features of individual systems of constitutional control, the study of the doctrinal foundations of model formation, including on the basis of natural science knowledge and modeling methodology. During the research, methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative legal and formal legal methods, modeling methods, classification, etc. were applied.

constitutional control, constitutional law, legal models, modeling, specific constitutional control, abstract constitutional control, principles, doctrine
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