The Metaverse: Problem of Adapting Tax and Legal Structures
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The Metaverse: Problem of Adapting Tax and Legal Structures
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Inna Khavanova 
Occupation: Dr. Sci. (Law), Chief Researcher, Department of Financial, Tax and Budget Legislation, ILCL
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia,

The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical and legal aspects of income taxation and transactions in the metaverse. The scientific interest of the author is connected with the problems of adapting tax and legal structures to economic relations, which are generated by unique technologies of the virtual world. Purpose: to reveal the legal nature of the metaverse economy for tax purposes; to identify the most common problems associated with the application of tax legislation. Methods: the study is based on the methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, and formal-logical method. Results: analysis of the bases and principles of taxation of income and transactions in the metaverse (income tax, value added tax), analysis of the tax consequences of specific situations, formulation of basic principles of taxation. Conclusions: the conducted scientific analysis confirms that national regulators and tax authorities are only at the stage of understanding the problems that arise in the metaverse, including issues related to determining the moment of income, evaluating transactions for the exchange of virtual goods for virtual or fiat currencies. The author comes to the conclusion that the technical impossibility of flawlessly accurate calculation of the tax base and determination of the source of income in a space of which anonymity is an integral component should not serve as a basis for non-taxation. The solution to the problem of creating tax and legal structures focused on the metaverse consists in taking into account the specifics of legal situations (a hybrid approach), using presumptive taxation in segments of high risk of losses for the national tax base, introducing a special regime for cases when income is received outside of entrepreneurial activity, is insignificant, and is of a one-time nature. The article points out the need for tax rules to comply with the basic principles of legislation on taxes and the inadmissibility of excessive tax burden.

metaverse, tax, income, law, value added tax, avatar, adaptation
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Additional sources and materials

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