“Organization” As a Management and Public Law Category
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“Organization” As a Management and Public Law Category
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Diana Piliya 
Occupation: Cand. Sci. (Law), Deputy Chairman, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Abkhazia; Deputy Director, Institute of Economics and Law, Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia; Associate Professor, Abkhazian State University
Affiliation: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Abkhazia, Sukhum, Abkhazia

The term “organization” is often used in regulatory legal acts, scientific and educational literature in relation to the activities of public authorities and local self-government. At the same time, the essence of this concept is not disclosed, which, in the conditions of the formation of a unified system of public authority, creates certain difficulties in rule-making and law enforcement practice. The article defines the methodological foundations of the organization of public power, reveals the nature of the organization as a managerial and public-legal category. For this purpose, the doctrinal approaches to the definition of the concept of “organization” that have developed in management sciences are investigated; the essence of the organization as a function of public administration is revealed, its legal nature is established; the content characteristics of public administration and organization as its functions are determined.

organization, category, structure, process, function, management, public administration, public administration, public authority, public authority, public law
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Additional sources and materials

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