Issues of Ensuring the Confidentiality of Personal Data When Using Artificial Intelligence Systems
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Issues of Ensuring the Confidentiality of Personal Data When Using Artificial Intelligence Systems
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Natalya Zhirnova 
Occupation: Associate Professor of School of Digital Law and Bio-Law National Research University «Higher School of Economics»
Affiliation: National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russia
Nataliia Kovalev
Occupation: Dr. Sci. (Law), Prof., Head of the School of Digital Law and Bio-Law, Faculty of Law, HSE University
Affiliation: National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russia

In the process of using AI systems in the processing of personalized information (personal data), a number of problems may arise, which this article is devoted to. Among these problems, the authors name the following: data manipulation; the ability to control an individual’s behavior, primarily on the Internet, but not only, since with the development of the Internet of Things, the problem of surveillance will become increasingly global; identification of citizens using biometric personal data; development of emotional AI; the real threat of the introduction of the so-called social rating; the emergence and active development of deepfake technology; insufficiency in terms of ensuring the protection and protection of privacy of the level of legal technologies used to depersonalize personal data; ethical problems arising from the bias of AI algorithms related to personalized information.

personal data, privacy, biometric personal data, artificial intelligence, social rating, big data
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Additional sources and materials

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