Doctrinal Aspects of Data Legal Regimes in the Conditions of Development of Big Data Technologies
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Doctrinal Aspects of Data Legal Regimes in the Conditions of Development of Big Data Technologies
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Eleonora Leskina 
Occupation: Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor, Department of Information Law and Digital Technologies, Saratov State Law Academy
Affiliation: Saratov State Law Academy, Saratov, Russia

The article examines the concept, features, essence of the data legal regime, as well as trends in the legislator’s approaches in this area in connection with the development of big data technology. Theoretical foundations and unity in the understanding of legal terms and constructions lead to holistic, effective legal regulation. The state’s attention in recent years has been aimed at establishing such a balance in the field of ensuring the development of digital technologies, in which digital and technological sovereignty would be achieved, as well as human rights would be ensured. The legal regime of data in such conditions determines the prospects for the development of most technologies. The purpose of the article is to identify such doctrinal foundations of legal data regimes as the concept, structure, types, as well as to study the features of the legal regime of big data. The methods of empirical (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, systematization) and theoretical (methods of construction and research of the object of research, methods of construction and justification of theoretical knowledge) levels are used in the work. Various approaches to understanding the essence of the legal regime are considered, as a result of which the definition of the concept of “data legal regime” is formulated and its features are highlighted. An analysis of the types of legal data regime is presented. The general data regime is considered, the need for its development in relation to non-personal data is noted. The definition of the concept of “personal data legal regime” is given. Attention is drawn to the variety of types of personal data legal regimes, the features of the general personal data regime and its differences from the general information legal regime are considered. The experimental data legal regime and the depersonalized data legal regime, the issues of formation of the data civil legal regime are considered. The goals and objectives of these legal regimes, trends in the transformation of the content of the legal regimes of personal data are analyzed. It is concluded that there is a need to maintain a balance between the right to information and the principle of human privacy, protection of confidentiality and promotion of innovation. It is noted that there is no need to form a separate legal regime for Big Data. A set of rules regarding other legal data regimes should eliminate conflicts and promote the effective development and implementation of big data technologies.

big data, legal regime, personal data, depersonalization, experiment, experimental legal regime, information technology, artificial intelligence
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