The Investigator Is a Participant in the Process on the Side of the Prosecution: Evil or Good?
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The Investigator Is a Participant in the Process on the Side of the Prosecution: Evil or Good?
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Alexander Tarasov 
Occupation: Dr. Sci. (Law), Prof., Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Ufa University of Science and Technology
Affiliation: Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, Russia

Classifying the investigator as a participant in the process on the part of the prosecution does not relieve him, as a representative of the state, of the obligation to comprehensively, fully and objectively investigate the circumstances of the case, and based on the results of the investigation, formulate and substantiate the charge, which is subsequently sent by the prosecutor to the court, or abandon criminal prosecution and terminate the proceedings in a criminal case. The presence or absence in the law of a special rule on a comprehensive, complete and objective study of the circumstances of a criminal case does not play a decisive role in determining the quality of the investigator's evidentiary work — when sending the charge to the prosecutor and to the court, the investigator is obliged to refute the arguments of the defense with reason and eliminate doubts about the guilt of the accused by virtue of the presumption innocence, enshrined in Article 14 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the accusation formulated and substantiated by the investigator will not be supported by the prosecutor or will not stand the test of the adversarial procedures of the trial. There is no fatal contradiction between a comprehensive, complete and objective investigation of the circumstances of a criminal case and the implementation of criminal prosecution on behalf of the state. Purpose of the study: to prove that it is more productive for solving theoretical and practical problems of pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases not to assign to the investigator the status of an objective researcher neutral in relation to the parties of the prosecution and defense, but, on the contrary, to recognize the investigator as a participant in the process on the part of the prosecution. Such recognition is associated with the creation and maintenance of a number of procedural mechanisms that make it possible to compensate for the actual inequality of the parties in pre-trial proceedings. The main research method is system-structural analysis and synthesis; logical and special legal and comparative legal methods are also used. Based on the results of the study, conclusions were formulated about the positive significance of the legislative inclusion of the investigator as a participant in the process on the part of the prosecution, which, on the one hand, does not relieve him of the obligation to comprehensively, fully and objectively investigate the circumstances of the criminal case, and on the other hand, requires the legislator to legally the state imposes additional responsibilities on the ruling entity to ensure the implementation of the rights of the defense party and the creation of special procedural mechanisms that compensate for the legal and factual inequality of the parties in pretrial proceedings.

criminal process, criminal proceedings, accusation, criminal prosecution, defense, evidence in criminal cases, study of the circumstances of the criminal case, prosecution, defense
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