Mechanism of Administrative and Legal Regulation
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Mechanism of Administrative and Legal Regulation
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Alexander Emelyanov 
Occupation: Dr. Sci. (Law), Head of the Department of Administrative Legislation and Procedure, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

In modern conditions, issues of regulating relations related to the implementation of public administration and the protection of subjective rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in this area are of great importance. Their consideration at the scientific, educational and didactic levels can be carried out through such a category as a mechanism of administrative and legal regulation. Its use in scientific circulation makes it possible to establish the relationship that exists between the norms of administrative law, administrative legal relations and legal acts of management, as well as to characterize the interaction between them. This article attempts to systematically study these categories, as well as the features of their implementation in individual institutions of administrative law in Russia and foreign countries. The mechanism of administrative legal regulation is studied in the science of administrative law in the aspect of the action of various regulatory and protective measures, through the prism of the implementation of state regulatory policy, special administrative legal regimes and administrative responsibility, protection of subjective administrative rights, mandatory requirements, and administrative coercion. At the same time, until now in the science of Russian administrative law, despite its widespread use of this category in relation to applied issues of public administration, it has not been the subject of comprehensive scientific knowledge. At the same time, at the theoretical level it is recognized that subjective administrative rights and obligations cannot exist outside the application of the norms of administrative law and the implementation of administrative legal relations. This scientific article defines the importance of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation, presents the content of this scientific category, and carries out an analysis of scientific positions existing in the relevant field of knowledge.

theory of administrative law, mechanism of administrative legal regulation, mechanism of legal regulation, administrative legal regulation, regulatory policy, special administrative legal regimes, administrative responsibility, administrative coercion, norms of administrative law, administrative legal relations, legal acts of management
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