Equality in the Ethical and Legal Dimension of a Person as a Legal Personality (from Equality before God to Constitutional Equality)
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Equality in the Ethical and Legal Dimension of a Person as a Legal Personality (from Equality before God to Constitutional Equality)
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Nikolay S. Bondar 
Occupation: Head of the Center of Judicial Law
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

Within the framework of the XVI International School of Young Scientists devoted to the topic of human in law, the author of the article proposed an approach based on the understanding of the legal person in the unity of formal legal and moral and ethical principles. A concentrated expression of an integral combination of "moral" and "legal" in the status of a person (as a human and as a citizen) is the category of equality, the deep characteristics of which are determined by the fact that, on the one hand, the imperative of equality has a "pre-legal" origin, including biblical and religious roots associated with the requirement of equality before God, and on the other hand, the law itself is an equal measure of freedom for all, and, accordingly, the lack of equality manifested at all levels poses a threat of emasculation, loss of the essential foundations of modern law. Overcoming these challenges is possible on the basis of the active inclusion of moral and ethical principles in the normative and legal characteristics of a person as a legal personality, with the help of which the equality regime is "incremented" by the requirements of justice, respect and protection of the dignity of the individual. The categories of equality, justice, dignity embody deep, anthropological, natural-legal origin and receiving normative formalization with the help of a system of positive law, state-legal, socio-cultural, religious-ideological, moral-ethical characteristics of a legal personality. Historically, this characterizes the centuries-old process of transformation, the transition from the equality of every person before God to constitutional equality recognized at the state level, having social, political, economic, formal and legal levels and constitutional coordinates of measurement.

equality, justice, individual dignity, Constitution, morality, religion
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Additional sources and materials

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16.	Maltsev G. V. Moral foundations of law. 2nd ed. Moscow, 2015. 398 p. (In Russ.)
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18.	Papayan R. A. Christian Roots of Modern Law. Moscow, 2002. (In Russ.)
19.	Rulan N. Legal Anthropology. Ed. by V. S. Nersesyants. Moscow, 2000. 310 p. (In Russ.)
20.	Samigullin V. K. Islam and Law. Experience of comprehension. Ufa, 2006. (In Russ.)


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