Issues of the Efficiency of Judicial Reconciliation in the Russian Civil Process
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Issues of the Efficiency of Judicial Reconciliation in the Russian Civil Process
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Egor Trezubov 
Occupation: Associate Professor at the Department of Labor Law, Environmental Law and Civil Procedure
Affiliation: Kemerovo State University
Address: Kemerovo, Russia

Given the extremely low efficiency of the institute of judicial mediation in Russia and the insignificant volume of cases in which the result of reconciliation was achieved, it is of scientific and practical interest to assess the effectiveness and determine the potential for intensifying the use of a new mediation procedure in the domestic civil process — judicial reconciliation.

The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of legal regulation and organizational support of the judicial reconciliation procedure in the civil process.

Methods: a system-structural method by which judicial reconciliation and judicial mediation are considered as part of a single whole — mediation procedures, which determines the possibility of evaluating these institutions according to the same criteria; a formal legal method that allows an analysis of the sources of legal regulation of mediation and judicial reconciliation; a method of functional analysis that allowed an assessment the role of the mediator in the procedures under consideration and the conditions for the organizational support of the procedure.

It is proved that judicial reconciliation is a model of mediation procedure integrated into the judicial system and has significant advantages over judicial mediation, namely: the gratuitousness of reconciliation for the parties and the special status of a judicial mediator. The decision to involve only retired judges as judicial conciliators is supported. The identified organizational problems of insufficiency of the quantitative composition of judicial conciliators, their territorial remoteness from the venues of reconciliation, as well as the lack of a mechanism for proper budget financing make the procedure under consideration ineffective and are a significant obstacle to its intensification. It is suggested that the development of judicial reconciliation is possible only with due political will both on the part of the court considering the case and on the part of the state as a whole.

mediation, judicial conciliation, mediation, effectiveness of the legal institution, alternative dispute resolution, remuneration and reimbursement of the expenses of the judicial mediator
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Additional sources and materials

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