Some Theoretical Issues of the Constitutional Legislation Integration in the EAEU Countries
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Some Theoretical Issues of the Constitutional Legislation Integration in the EAEU Countries
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Еrkin Duisenov 
Occupation: Counselor to the Rector
Affiliation: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan

Eight years of existence of the Eurasian Economic Union have identified a number of problems of both economic and legal nature, the positive solution of which should contribute to closer integration of EAEU member states in these spheres of public life. Among the legal issues, the issue of the need to integrate constitutional legislation within the EAEU is particularly relevant. The solution of this issue at the theoretical level, according to the author of the article, will contribute to a positive solution of a number of socio-economic issues in accordance with the provisions of the EEU Treaty and will have a positive impact on improving the welfare of citizens of the EEU member states.

The purpose of the article is to study the current state of integration processes in the field of constitutional legislation in the EAEU member states. Based on the above goal, the author has identified the following tasks: to identify the general factors affecting the integration processes in the EEU member countries; substantiate the expediency of application, along with unification and harmonization, legal integration as a way, method and means aimed at solving problems and achieving goals of convergence, the consonance of the legal systems of states with different degrees of specification, as well as to identify its limits; substantiate the need to strengthen in the EEU member states substantiate the necessity of strengthening, along with the legal sovereignty, the actual sovereignty in the EAEU Member States at the level of constitutional law; reveal the essential features of state ideology and the relevance of its assertion in the constitutions of the EEU member countries the relevance of its assertion in the constitutions of the EEU member countries; substantiate the need for a unified approach in issues ofconstitutional-legal regulation of the right to work, scientific research activity, constitutional-legal protection of traditional marriage and family relations.

To solve the above tasks the author used such methods of scientific knowledge as historical and legal, comparative, methods of analysis, synthesis, etc.

As a result of the study the general trends in the development of integration processes were identified, common problems were identified and ways to solve them in the sphere of constitutional legislation in the EAEU member states were proposed. The solution of the identified problems, in the opinion of the author of the article, will give a new impetus to integration in the sphere of the constitutional legislation and will promote the goals and objectives of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Eurasian Economic Union, constitutional legislation, integration, harmonization, unification, state sovereignty, state ideology, law, state
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Additional sources and materials

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