Crime and Its Causes: Science and Religion
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Crime and Its Causes: Science and Religion
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Ilham Ragimov 
Affiliation: -
Address: Baku, Azerbaijan

Mankind has always sought to understand (to know) the secrets of the causes of human aggression, violence. For an ordinary person, this problem is, at first glance, simple and clear. However, we do not give ourselves a clear idea of the difficulties we face in explaining the essence and origins of the cause of criminal human behavior. The doctrine of the causes of crime has a rich, informative and versatile history, saturated with various kinds of well-established theories, original views and interesting considerations not so much by criminologists, but to a greater extent by philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, geneticists and even writers. Already in the prehistoric period, this was the subject of attention of the philosophers Solon, Pythagoras, Protagoras, Plato and Aristotle. Some of them considered the causes of criminal behavior as a disease of the human soul, others — as a disease of the state. Philosophers of later times — Hugo Grotius, Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, Fichte, Gomel, Feuerbach and many others also tried to solve this problem when considering general scientific questions of philosophy. However, philosophizing about the causes of criminal behavior, in addition to a beautiful logical theoretical explanation, did not give practical tangible benefits. Humanity expected from science knowledge about crime and its causes, adapted for practical needs in the fight against crime, which was acquiring an increasingly terrible form and essence. Statisticians, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, and then geneticists joined in solving this problem.

Thus, for thousands of years, the best minds of mankind have been trying to answer a seemingly ordinary, clear, simple and eternal question. However, unfortunately, they have not advanced far. Why, in the conditions of advanced modern science, are we not able to do this? Is this problem “closed to comprehension”? Maybe there is no mechanism in the human genetic program that restricts the killing and violence against individuals of their own species? In this case, man is a “mistake of evolution”, as A. Koestler believed. If we proceed from the postulate that man is the creation of the Almighty, then only He knows the secret of the causes of criminally aggressive behavior of any living organism created by Him, including human. If this is so, then the problem will forever remain “closed to comprehension”, because only the Lord God is destined to know the essence of the Being created by Him perfectly. “Allah knows best what He sends down. But most of them do not know this” (Quran. Surah 16, verse 101). The lack of a clear answer in science to the question of the sources of criminal behavior committed as a result of an aggressive entity refers us to the Lord God as our Creator. In religion, not everything can be explained, at least based on the fact that there should be a place for the secrets of the Almighty in it. However, as human history continues, the truth of many phenomena is revealed, including those directly related to the essence of a person and his behavior. If modern science is not able to fully understand the essence of a human being, wouldn’t it be right in this case to turn to the scriptures and see what a person is according to the Lord God? In a word, the purpose of our research is a scientific and religious (theological) search for the secrets of the causes of criminal human behavior.

crime and its essence, criminal behaviour, scientific knowledge, religion (theology), aggression, free will and consciousness, neurobiology, genes, testosterone
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Additional sources and materials

1.	Baranovskiy V. A., Ivanov Yu. N. (eds). Judaism. Minsk, 2009. 310 p. (In Russ.)
2.	Coyne J. You Don’t Have Free Will. Chronicle Review. March 18, 2012.
3.	Criminal law. Composition of Dr. Pavel Anselm Feuerbach. St. Petersburg, 1810. 329 p. (In Russ.)
4.	Dokinz R. The God Delusion. Moscow, 2020. (In Russ.)
5.	Golik Yu. V. Philosophy of Criminal Law. St. Petersburg, 2004. 346 p. (In Russ.)
6.	Hegel G. V. F. Philosophy of Law. Moscow, 2007. (In Russ.)
7.	Ilin I. About Against Evil Struggle By Force. Moscow, 2005. (In Russ.)
8.	Kerimov D. A. Methodology of law. Subject, functions, problems of the philosophy of law. Moscow, 2011. 520 p. (In Russ.)
9.	Kurguzkina E. B. Understanding the criminal. Filosofskiye nauki, 2008, no. 5, pp. 77—92. (In Russ.)
10.	Leps A. Philosophy of Hegel and crime as a phenomenon of essence. Legal sciences and education, 2012, no. 35, pp. 102—111. (In Russ.)
11.	Lopashenko N. A. (ed.). Criminal law. A common part. Punishment. Vol. I: The concept, goals of criminal punishment. system of criminal punishment. Book. 1: The concept of criminal punishment. Moscow, 2020. 680 p. (In Russ.)
12.	Saddhatissa H. The Budda’s Way. New York, 1971.
13.	Sapolski R. Biology of good and evil. How science explains our actions. Moscow, 2019. 1320 p. (In Russ.)
14.	Shargorodskiy M. D. Determinism and responsibility. In Shargorodskiy M. D. Selected works on criminal law. Ed. by B. V. Volzhenkin. St. Petersburg, 2003. 434 p. (In Russ.)
15.	Shestakov D. A. Criminology: crime as a property of society. Short course. St. Petersburg, 2001. 259 p. (In Russ.)
16.	Sorokin A. A. Vvedenie v filosofiyu prava. Moscow, 2001.
17.	Sorokin p. A. Crime and punishment. Achievement and reward. St. Petersburg, 1914. 446 p. (In Russ.)
18.	Tard G. Comparative crime. Moscow, 1907. 267 p. (In Russ.)
19.	Tard G. Criminal and crime. Comparative crime. Mob crime. Ed. by V. S. Ovchinskiy. Moscow, 2004. 391 p. (In Russ.)
20.	Tolkachenko A., Kharabet K. (eds). World religions about crime and punishment. Moscow, 2013. 606 p. (In Russ.)


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