Certain Regularities of Lawmaking
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Certain Regularities of Lawmaking
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Petr Serkov 
Occupation: First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
Affiliation: Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The author proceeds from the existence of regularities in legislative activity and identifies some of them that have not received doctrinal assessments in legal science to date. To correct the current situation, the author suggests using the potential of the mechanism of legal relations. Attention is drawn to the fact that reciprocity and parity of subjective rights and obligations, as the content of legal principles, are without alternative a civilizational imperative to ensure subjective and social wellbeing. It initially focuses on the deep coordinates of the legislative function, including with respect to any legal principle proposed in the theory of law. At the same time, its statics do not imply detailing the dynamics of legal regulation and the sensations of the planned results due to the concretization of legislative activity on the terms of reciprocity and parity of rights and obligations.

The main conclusion of the study is that legislative activity is the applied foundation of the national law and order. Its history is an experience of tactical and long-term legal policy measures to unite and rally the Russian people in order to organize the stable well-being of a person or everyone among all, as well as society and the state. The burden of lawmaking objectively consists of a speculative combination of small and large, part and whole, subjective and social, past and present. In the process of this work, the momentary and insignificant are eliminated, and the systemic specifics of the morally justified due in the psychological needs of a person, society and the state, as well as ways to meet them, are formed.

regularities, subjective rights and obligations, interests, freedoms, mechanism of legal relations
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Additional sources and materials

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