Issues of Constitutional and Legal Policy Development of the Russian Federation in the Field of Education in Context of Regionalization
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Issues of Constitutional and Legal Policy Development of the Russian Federation in the Field of Education in Context of Regionalization
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Alexander Yu. Sokolov 
Occupation: Director
Affiliation: Saratov branch, Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Saratov, Russia
Veronika S. Khizhnyak
Occupation: Senior Researcher
Affiliation: Saratov branch, Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Saratov, Russia

The purpose of the study is to identify the current problems of Russia's constitutional and legal policy in the field of education and, based on the analysis of trends in the development of globalization and foreign experience (in particular, the PRC) to solve these problems, to suggest ways to improve it in the Russian Federation. Research objectives: analysis of the impact of globalization on constitutional and legal policy in the field of education; identification of problems common to states in the field of education in the context of globalization; study of the features of constitutional and legal policy in the field of education in foreign countries; research of the features of the constitutional and legal policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education in the context of globalization and the problems associated with its implementation; development of directions for improving the constitutional and legal policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education in the context of globalization, taking into account the identified problems and analyzed foreign experience.

Research methods: methods of scientific cognition (formal legal, comparative legal) and general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis and system method).

Conclusion: currently, the constitutional and legal policy in the educational sphere in many countries is based on the concept of “New public management”. Taking into account the China experience, the directions of improving the constitutional and legal policy of Russia in this sphere of public relations are proposed.

globalization, constitutional policy, the right to education, human capital, new public administration, constitutional rights and freedoms, the constitutional law of the Russian Federation, the constitutional law of foreign countries
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Additional sources and materials

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