Eurasian Economic Union: Bodies, Practice, Law
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Eurasian Economic Union: Bodies, Practice, Law
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Tatyana Neshataeva 
Occupation: Judge of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union; Head of the Department of International Law, Russian State University of Justice
Russian State University of Justice
Court of the Eurasian Economic Union
Address: Moscow, Russia; Minsk, Belarus

The article summarizes the experience of the creation and development of the law of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) as an international supranational organization of regional economic integration. From an international legal point of view, the author gives an overview of the EAEU institutional system, paying special attention to the competence of the EAEU Court. Analyzing the decisions and advisory opinions issued by the EAEU Court, the author indicates the spheres of economy and public relations in which the EAEU Court had the greatest impact on the development of the law of the Union and its member states. Unresolved issues in the activities of the EAEU Court were noted, such as the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, the enforcement of decisions of the Court, its relationship with national courts, methods of decision-making in the EAEU bodies.

Part of the article is devoted to the scientific justification of the decisions of the EAEU Court. The author analyzes the system of sources of international law, focusing on the general principles of law, since the function of these norms to overcome gaps in law suggests that they can be used in this capacity in international law, being historically formed by the common principle of all legal systems. Examples of the application of the principles of international law in the practice of the EAEU Court are given. The issue of the precedent nature of the uniform legal positions of the EAEU Court is considered and it is concluded that the Court, establishing in the reasoning part of the decision a uniform understanding and interpretation of the norms of the EAEU law and repeating it in similar circumstances, regardless of the subject matter and the parties to the dispute, creates a position that will exist in practice, repeating from decision to decision, or it will switch to positive law.

Eurasian integration, Eurasian Economic Union, Court of the Eurasian Economic Union, principles of international law, precedent, uniform legal position
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Additional sources and materials

1.	Bogdan M. General principles of law and problem of lacunae. Nordic Journal of International Law, 1977, vol. 46, pp. 37—53.
2.	Entin K. V. The role of international agreements and international customary law in the EU and EAEU legal orders. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie, 2021, no. 1(37), pp. 102—130. (In Russ.)
3.	Lenaerts K., Van Nuffel p. Constitutional Law of the European Union. Ed. by R. Bray. London, 2005. CLII, 969 p.
4.	Likhachev V. N. Lacunae in contemporary international law. Kazan’, 1985. 85 p. (In Russ.)
5.	Myslivskiy p. P. International legal regulation of the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union and the method of resolving disputes. Cand. diss. Moscow, 2015. 212 p. (In Russ.)
6.	Neshataeva T. N. Civil Rights Protection and the Judicial System in the Eurasian Context. Vestnik ekonomicheskogo pravosudiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2021, no. 1(92), pp. 82—98. (In Russ.)
7.	Neshataeva T. N. General principles of law and practice of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union. Zhurnal konstitutsionnogo pravosudiya, 2022, no. 4(88), pp. 27—38. (In Russ.)
8.	Neshataeva T. N. On General Principles of Law and Judicial Interpretation. Journal of Russian Law, 2023, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 113—125. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrp.2023.033.
9.	Neshataeva T. N. The Court and Law: Eurasian Integration. Moscow, 2021. 336 p. (In Russ.)
10.	Potochnyy M., Shibaeva E. A. Legal issues of the structure and activities of international organizations. Moscow, 1988. 192 p. (In Russ.)
11.	Raimondo F. O. General principles of law in the decisions of international criminal courts and tribunals. Leiden, 2008. XXI. 212 p.
12.	Schermers H. G., Blokker N. M. International Institutional Law. Leiden, 2011. XXXVI. 1273 p.
13.	Seidl-Hohenveldern I. International economic law:general course on public international law. Recueil des cours. 1986-III, 198. 400 p.
14.	Shibaeva E. A. Law of international organizations. Moscow, 1986. 160 s. (In Russ.)
15.	Thiemeyer G. Supranationalität als Novum in der Geschichte der internationalen Politik der fünfziger Jahre. Journal of European Integration History, 1998, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 5—21.
16.	Voynikov V. V., Entina E. G., Entin M. L. Prospects, Needs and Pitfalls of Constitutionalization of the EU and the EAEU. Polis. Politicheskie issledovaniya, 2019, no. 4, pp. 89—103. (In Russ.)


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