Law Understanding in the Context of Humanity of Law: Anthropological and Legal Approach
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Law Understanding in the Context of Humanity of Law: Anthropological and Legal Approach
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Vadim Pavlov 
Occupation: Doctoral Candidate, Scientific and Pedagogical Faculty
Affiliation: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus
Address: Minsk, Belarus

The article deals with the problem of legal understanding in the context of the modern trend of the human dimension of law. In connection with the crisis phenomena of legal reality associated with the development of a new group of human rights and the digitalization of law, the necessity of an anthropological and legal approach to legal cognition is justified. The anthropology of law focuses on the concept of a person existing in legal reality. In contrast to the traditional theoretical and legal approach associated with the formal dogmatic representation of a person as a subject of law, the anthropological and legal approach assumes a broader understanding of a person in law.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the anthropological and legal approach to the understanding of law. Research objectives: a) substantiation of methodological features inherent in the anthropological and legal approach to understanding law; b) use of the concept of legal structure, assuming the central place of a legal figure among other elements of law; c) characterization of the idea of humanitarianism of law; d) highlighting the basic elements and the main idea of law from the perspective of anthropological legal understanding.

Research methodology: doctrinal-legal and historical-legal approaches that allowed analyzing the formation of the doctrine of the understanding of law in the context of the idea of humanitarianism; the traditional formal-dogmatic method, which describes the concepts of the subject of law, the norms of law and other established concepts of general legal theory; the method of anthropological-legal analysis used to construct the concept of man in law, substantiation of the anthropological and legal structure and the concept of the fact of legal life.

The results of the study are to substantiate the legal structure as a way of understanding law in the anthropological and legal approach. The structure includes three basic elements of law — a person in law, a rule of law and the fact of legal life. The expression of the essence of law, its main idea is due to the conjugation, the connection of these elements of law as an integral complex of law, as well as the compliance of each of these elements with ideal criteria of law.

anthropology of law, humanity of law, subject of law, person in law, personality in law, law enforcement
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Additional sources and materials

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