The Concept of Legal Regulation of Digital Rights Turnover: Doctrinal Basis and Prospects for Practical Implementation
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The Concept of Legal Regulation of Digital Rights Turnover: Doctrinal Basis and Prospects for Practical Implementation
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Rashad Kurbanov 
Occupation: Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines, Higher School of Law, PRUE; Counselor to the Director of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia
Leonid Balanyuk
Occupation: Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Law Disciplines, Higher School of Law
Affiliation: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Address: Moscow, Russia

Russian legislation lacks a coherent system of generally accepted legal terminology in the field of digital economy and, accordingly, digital rights. For the further development and improvement of domestic law on digital economy regulation, it is necessary to develop methodological tools, primarily in the form of concepts for improving legislation in key areas of the digital economy.

The article considers legislative activity in the field of legal support of the digital economy, which is carried out in accordance with the federal project " Legal regulation of the digital environment". The stages and the state of providing the regulatory framework for the turnover of digital rights are analyzed. These stages include legislative initiatives that should ensure the development of the digital economy. The first stage (2018—2024) is aimed at removing priority barriers that hinder the development of the digital economy and the development of generally accepted legal terminology in this area. The absence of systematization of legislative initiatives included in the above-mentioned federal project was noted. The necessity of creating such a systematization is substantiated by developing a concept for improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of digital rights turnover, which will make it possible to draw up a plan for the second stage of legislative initiatives (from 2025) aimed at ensuring the further development of the digital economy.

The new concept should include basic directions for improving Russian legislation on digital rights, synchronizing the stages of development of legislation in key areas, triggers for achieving the tasks set.

digital economy, digital rights, digital financial assets, regulation of the digital environment, digital rights concept, electronic contract form, electronic signature
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Additional sources and materials

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