On the Prospects of Judicial Competence Redistribution in Writ Proceedings
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On the Prospects of Judicial Competence Redistribution in Writ Proceedings
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Evgeniy Fokin 
Occupation: Senior Researcher, Center of International Law and Comparative Legal Studies
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The question of whether writ proceedings should remain within the judicial competence is being investigated in present article. This procedure is designed to consider indisputable claims that do not require the examination of evidence and the implementation of a full judicial procedure. The absence of a significant legal conflict in the writ proceedings gives scientists grounds to assert that the function of issuing a court order should be transferred from the judge to other law enforcement entities.

The proposals expressed in science on the transfer of writ proceedings to the jurisdiction of artificial intelligence, assistant judges, notaries are considered in detail. It is proved that artificial intelligence cannot replace the court in the implementation of the writ procedure due to the lack of sufficient opportunities to distinguish indisputable claims from claims implying a dispute about the law. Assistant judges remain auxiliary personnel: due to the qualification requirements imposed on them, they are not ready to assume new powers. The transfer of writ proceedings to notaries will lead to a radical overload of the Russian notary. The implementation of each of these three proposals will require substantial reform of procedural legislation (and, in relation to notaries, legislation on notaries), for which the Russian legal system is not ready. In addition, the removal of writ proceedings from the judicial competence will not contribute to improving the protection of claimants and debtors, but on the contrary, will create additional risks.

Conclusion: writ proceedings should remain a judicial procedure implemented by a court (judge) in a shortened procedural form.

writ proceedings, artificial intelligence, notaries, assistant judges
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Additional sources and materials

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