Issues of Forming a Modern Model of Financial and Legal Regulation in the Conditions of Structural Transformations of the Economy
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Issues of Forming a Modern Model of Financial and Legal Regulation in the Conditions of Structural Transformations of the Economy
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Elena L. Vasyanina 
Occupation: Leading Researcher, Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure
Affiliation: Institute of State and Law, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Russia

The modern economic reality requires the formation of new approaches to the legal regulation of financial relations aimed at ensuring state sovereignty and the resistance of the financial system of the state to economic crises of any scale.

The article examines the problems of implementing the mechanism of financial and legal regulation, which in the context of structural transformations of the economy include: the emergence of parallel legal institutions for regulating financial relations; the lack of sufficient legal support for the functioning of information systems involved in financial transactions; the complication of the mechanism for bringing to responsibility for violations of financial legislation; contradictory legal instruments for regulating financial relations.

The use of general logical research methods, including analysis and synthesis, formal legal and comparative legal methods allowed the author to come to the conclusion that the formation of a modern model of legal regulation of financial relations in the context of structural transformations of the economy should occur through: expanding the scope of the mandatory method of regulation of financial relations; clarification in the acts of financial legislation of the conditions for the implementation of financial obligations, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the digital model of financial resources management; elimination of internal inconsistency of legal norms contained in the acts of financial legislation; reduction of the volume of subordinate regulatory legal acts regulating financial relations by delineating state functions between federal executive authorities; etc.

financial system, financial relations, state, budget, subsidies, taxes, responsibility, administrative procedures, intersectoral legal constructions, law
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Additional sources and materials

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