Legal Regulation of Fishing and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources in Russia in the IX — Early XX Century
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Legal Regulation of Fishing and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources in Russia in the IX — Early XX Century
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Alexey Savichev 
Occupation: Councelor of Department
Affiliation: Federal Agency for Fisheries
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article examines the main features of the development of pre-revolutionary Russian legislation on fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources. The conceptual foundations of the legal regulation evolution of fisheries within the stated chronological framework require scientific generalization based on the fragmentary nature of the study of this topic in the available works. The author of the article used the normative legal acts of the Russian Empire, the materials of the funds of state archives, scientific literature.

The purpose of the study is to identify the main doctrinal features of the legislation development in pre-revolutionary Russia on fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources.

Research objectives: consideration of the main normative legal acts of the Russian Empire on the use of fish resources; identification and characterization of key evolutionary stages of fishing legal regulation in the pre-revolutionary period; analysis of the possible improving the relevant legislation of modern Russia, taking into account the historical and legal experience considered. Research methods: dialectical, statistical, formal-legal, comparative-legal, etc.

Based on the evolutionary review of the fishing legal foundations in the pre-Soviet period of Russian statehood, the author’s periodization of the development of the legal foundations has been developed. The main directions of fishery legal regulation are outlined. The author came to conclusion that prerevolutionary legislation on fishing and conservation of aquatic biological resources was fragmented. Also, he paid attention to the expediency of ensuring the development of a system of informing about the current prohibitions on catching aquatic organisms and the purchase of products of illegal origin, as well as measures of responsibility for violating these prohibitions both in the most active fishing areas and in the points of sale of aquatic biological resources, taking into account the historical and legal experience considered.

aquatic biological resources, fishing in the Russian empire, legislation on fisheries, conservation of aquatic biological resources, fisheries, environmental awareness, illegal extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources
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Additional sources and materials

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