On Legality of Restriction of the Right to Freedom for Probationers Evading the Control of Penal Enforcement Inspections
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On Legality of Restriction of the Right to Freedom for Probationers Evading the Control of Penal Enforcement Inspections
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Svetlana I. Vershinina 
Occupation: Director of the Institute of Law
Affiliation: Togliatti State University
Address: Togliatti, Russia

The article explores the current practice in Russia of detention and committal to prison of probationers during the proceedings for the probation revocation and the execution of a sentence. Considering that there are no special norms in Russian legislation regulating the procedure for such persons during the probation period, and in law enforcement, courts actively apply these coercive measures to probationers, referring to the norms in force with respect to the accused and those sentenced to real punishment, the author conducts a thorough analysis of the proceedings for the probation revocation and comes to the conclusion, that the current practice of restricting the right to freedom of probationers in order to ensure their participation in a court hearing to consider the submission of criminal enforcement inspections on the abolition of suspended sentences does not comply with current Russian legislation.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the current legislation and law enforcement practice on the application of detention or committal to prison to probationers who evade the control of the penitentiary inspectorate, analyze and summarize the theoretical views of scientists on this issue and develop scientifically based proposals. Objectives of the study: to characterize the legal status of probationers; to identify the features of legal regulation of the procedure for the probation revocation; to analyze the necessity and expediency of applying detention or committal to prison to probationers; to summarize judicial statistics and practice; to analyze the legal grounds for detention.

The study used formal-logical, general scientific and comparative legal methods, analyzed 120 court decisions issued in the framework of proceedings on the cancellation of a suspended sentence and the execution of a sentence.

The results of the study confirm that the criminal procedural regulation of the proceedings for the cancellation of a suspended sentence proceeds from the voluntary participation of probationers in the court session and does not provide for the application of detention to them. At the same time, it is substantiated that there is a need to make a decision on the detention of a probationer and arises at the stage of the court ruling on the abolition of a suspended sentence in the form of imprisonment. Considering that the current Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation does not contain grounds for making such a decision, it is proposed to make a number of additions to the this Code, creating a legal basis for the conclusion of a conditionally convicted person in custody when a court decides to cancel a suspended sentence in the form of imprisonment.

criminal procedural coercion, probation, legal status of a probationer, detention, detention, detention, suspended sentence, suspended sentence, cancellation of a suspended sentence
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Additional sources and materials

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